Chapter XXVIII: I Am Spade

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A/N: Thus The Final Battle Begins

Professor Ozpin felt a strange protrusion from his chest, it was as if... someone was sticking a needle in it... he took a few pills to try and quell the pain, but it only got worse... and even worse...

Ozpin: What the?...

He managed to gasp out before a sudden extreme burst of pain. he clutched his chest in effort as he collapsed onto the ground. Struggling to get up, he cursed and tried to call for Glynda, who was helping the students keep the Grimm out of the city, as well as damage repairs. His arm then broke in half as it was reaching for the phone.

Ozpin: AHHHH!

The elevator door opened, revealing me. Holding a voodoo doll in my hands. It was a good thing Caleb gave a book on 'Voodoo for Dummies'. I smiled as Ozpin struggled under my foot. I let go of the arm I had just snapped.

Ozpin; Y-you!

He gasped with pain as I dug the hunting knife further and further into the doll's chest.

Ozpin: I-*grunt* We trusted you! You goddamn traitor.

He cried out at me, I scoffed, and kicked him hard twice while he was down.

Me: You're only a traitor if you had been loyal to whomever you had betrayed. You see Professor Ozpin, I hadn't betrayed anyone...

Ozpin; F-fuck you a-*gasp* and your twisted logic.

He breathed out in a rare moment of utilizing profanity, it was so satisfying. Seeing a headmaster, crumple and die before my boot. I laughed as I threw the voodoo doll to the floor, proceeding to do as Caleb did and stomp on the head of the voodoo doll. Ozpin's body shook in recoil with every maniacal impact of my foot, breaking evermore with every stamp.

Me: My intent... *stomp* was always to bring this fucking establishment down *stomp* as well as the Huntsman himself. *stomp*

Until he simply stopped, he did not move as blood dripped from out of his mouth.

Professor Ozpin is dead.

I spat, picking up the voodoo doll, yelling and flinging it to the other side of the room. I've finally done it... I've finally accomplished what I had vowed to do so way back at that motel where I killed that fucker Blau. The huntsman that strewn off duty, and had gotten not just my parents, but my whole entire village killed

Me: Good riddance.

I said, as I walked back to the luggage that had been filled with C4 charges  I brought since Day 1. Planting them in numerous places, as I was done, I knelt beside Ozpin's corpse.

Me: Long live Beacon.

I muttered, reaching into my pocket and of course taking out an Ace of Spades card... for good measures... and for old times sake. I gently placed it into his pocket. I then walked out of the room, with the detonator in hand. I intended to get out of Beacon and as far away as I could before I blew the whole place up, as to not raise suspicions of me.

I clicked for the bottom floor where Lilith was waiting for me. I dialled her on my scroll to let her know that I was coming.

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