Chapter XIV: Two Weeks Later (Filler)

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A week later...

A lot had changed in a week from the JNPR killings. Ren and Nora transferred to another school, saving me the trouble of having killing them too. The Ace Of Spades thing soon died right down from a craze to a little rumour, which was better than I expected it to be. Writing down what little actual facts at Professor Port's class caused me to blackout. Before being abruptly waken up by Lilith, whom was sitting beside me.

Lilith: Hey Ace, you get those notes from earlier?

Me: *snorts* Wha- Seth? N-no. No I didn't.

Lilith: Oh, you were sleeping. You can have mine.

She assured and handed to me her notebook.

Me: Oh, um thanks Lily.

Lilith. No problem Ace.

Port: Oh! Well it seems I've wasted precious tims... I apologize. Well we'll continue this tomorrow, and please temember to study the anatomy of the theoretical Grimm reproductive system.

The bell for lunch rang as me and Caleb were the first out the door.

Caleb: Grimm fucking other grimm... Why can't this be a furry video on DustHub...

Me: Your fantasies scare me more than myself. That says a lot.

Caleb: Whatever. Oh! Hey, Diana! Wanna ear lunch with us today.

Diana: Oh, sorry Connor. But I'm eating with Team RWBY again today.

Caleb: Come on! Why can't you sit with your team... You could even sit with your partner. Me!

Diana: Ehmmm, no thanks.

She walks away with haste as Caleb drops his arms by his side.

Me: Idiot! Even when we're not scheming! You don't just say *creepy pedophile voice* Oh hello there partner! Wanna sit beside me at lunch hue hue hue!

Caleb; I do not talk like that.

Me: Yeah you do, pervert.

Lilith: Hey guys, I was thinking I'd sit with you today. Since I don't really have JNPR to sit with.

Me: Oh sure, your our teammate anyways. Though it's kind of sad what happened to Jaune and Pyrrha. who could've suspected a dual killer team that were able to get within Beacon... Ren and Nora must've been devastated.

I say as I slightly smirk.

*Flashback 3 days ago*

Ren spotted the card taped onto his bed frame as he woke up, thankfully Nora was probably snacking on the fridge right now and didn't see it. Because when he picked it off the bed, he saw it to be a playing card, with an Ace of Spades symbol on it. He turned it around and saw tiny little bits of text written on pen on the card.

Card: *Y/N's Voice* Leave Beacon or else I kill her. And I assure you Lie, I WILL do it! -Spade

Ren trembles in worry, looking around the room for any hidden cameras.

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