Chapter I: The Crazy Ace

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Dropping and butting out my cigar with my shoe, I entered Junior's Bar. I had my hoodie on since it was raining outside, coupled with the fact that it was nighttime but I didn't really mind that much, stepping into the bar regretfully nobody noticed me not the henchmen, the dancers or even Junior's personal bodyguards. I laid down my suitcase near the dance floor and left it there whilst I walked up to the bartender. Whom was Junior himself I snapped once and slammed my hand on the table. Junior immediately noticed me and I saw surprise reach his eyes like a soldier looking at a field of mines on the battlefield.

Junior: S-Spade? I-I thought you was in jail weren't you?

Junior asked, I nodded from behind my hoodie menacingly.

Y/N: Yup, it's me. Hows the bar?

I ask swirling the ice cube in the now empty cup, Junior tightens his collar I grabbed him by the tie and came face to face with him.

Y/N: Word on the street says that a crime wave's arising in Vale. Know the cause by any chance?

Junior: Erm, no. I don't really know anything about it.

I pulled down my hoodie and cracked my neck, walking over to a table I sat down and crossed my legs. Placing my arms behind my head and looking all over the place, then I called to Junior. Time to get what I really came here for.

Y/N: Hey! Junior, might it be an issue to borrow a few of your men?

Junior: Why?

Y/N: I may need them for a... future purpose.

I said, standing up and staring him down, even though he was a bit taller than me. Me being 5ft 9in and all.

Junior: And what's the price?

He obnoxiously asks, handing out his hand. I sigh, before I use my semblance. Disintegration, to turn into multimillions of black particles to brush past his feet and form myself up behind him.

Y/N: The price doesn't matter Junior, what matters is the life you will save by giving them to me for free.

Junior: Umm, who's life is that?

He asked, I flipped out my butterfly knife, swishing it just behind Junior's neck, he gagged and held completely still not daring to move his neck.

Y/N: Yours... So about those FREE, henchmen you offered the other day.

Junior: What I nev-ACK! Okay! Okay! You can have them, TAKE THEM!

I smiled again, I flicked my butterfly knife's blade back into storage form as Junior exhaled with relief. He turned towrds a small group of henchmen playing Crazy 8s and motioned seven of them to join up with me all the while cleaning a bit of blood that spilt out accidentally with his tie. I looked outside to see if it was still raining, and it still was. Perfect.

I stepped outside with my henchmen, I looked back to Junior's Club, surely nobody's discovered the bomb I laid in there while the partygoers were all having a good time. I held out a small remote detonator in my hand and uncovered the switch. Making a 'beep' sound as I simultaneously pressed down on the button.

Fire... Screams... And Chaos

Y/N: Surely no one's gonna miss this crappy establishment...

Me and the remaining Henchmen than slipped off into the night as wounded walked out of the club, bloody and either missing one, two or even three of their limbs. I slipped a glove on and reached into my wallet, leaving behind an Ace of Spades card in the streets. Significant but non-relatable directly me but more to my alter ego, the perfect calling card.

Ace of Spades: Evil Male Reader! Insert {Volume 1} UPHEAVALWhere stories live. Discover now