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Unknown- pansy I S2G!!! Give me back my cupcake!

Unknown- come on it was the pink icing with blue sprinkles;(

Harry- sorry mate but I think you got the wrong number this is Harry

Unknown - my bad I will just be going

Harry - no wait don't go!

Unknown - why not?

Harry - I want to talk

Unknown- but you don't even know who I am.

Harry - will you tell me?

Unknown- nope :)

Harry - that's what I thought.

Harry- so how about we play a game?

Unknown - I really have things to do

Harry - yea like what get your damn cupcake?

Unknown- yes in fact that is exactly what I have to do so Bye.

Harry - fine whatever but I'm texting you later

Unknown - yea ok you do that


Unknown is Draco just to make that clear cuz some ppl are stupid. No offence 😂

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