
17.9K 440 220

Scarface⚡️- sup homie

Badassbitch💖- don't call me that.

Scarface⚡️- why not bro

Badassbitch💖- stop it.

Scarface⚡️-I'm just trying to be lit 🔥

Badassbitch💖- omg no

Scarface⚡️- and be part of the squad with me hommie

Badassbitch💖- everything you just said was a no

Scarface⚡️- is it Illegal to say Gucci and Fam in the same sentence?

Badassbitch💖- This is sad. just stop.

Scarface⚡️- tragic

Badassbitch💖- you you don't shut up I'm gonna go find you and throw my phone at your face

Scarface⚡️- bro☹️

Badassbitch💖- don't bro me

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