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Scarface⚡️ - what's up?

Badassbitch💖- nothing just texting my friend she's being annoying tho. What r u doing?

Scarface⚡️- nothing just finished the DADA essays for ron, Hermione and me.

Scarface⚡️ - when r u going to tell me who u are? For all I know you could be a rapist🤔

Badassbitch💖- I told you I was a boy in 8th year Slytherin I can assure you I am not a rapist.

Scarface⚡️- ok ok fine but when r u going to tell me your name

Badassbitch💖- idk whenever I feel like it I guess.

Scarface⚡️ - ...

Scarface⚡️- do you feel like it yet?

Badassbitch💖- Nope 👎🏻

Scarface⚡️- Damn well will it be soon?

Badassbitch💖- idk why do you want to know so bad?

Scarface⚡️- cuz you seem pretty nice and your very funny so I want to be able to hang in person y'know.

Badassbitch💖- well maybe I'll tell you soon but now yet.

Scarface⚡️- fine so any drama going on? I'm bored

Badassbitch💖- well....

Badassbitch💖- Blaise is secretly dating Astoria but actually likes ginny (gross) um pansy stole my FREAKING CUPCAKE AND ATE IT IN MY FACE!

Scarface⚡️- what type of cupcake?

Badassbitch💖- vanilla with blue icing and pink star shaped sprinkles! She FREAKIN ATE IT HARRY right in my FACE! I s2g I will kill her one of these days.

Scarface⚡️- Damn

Scarface⚡️ that sounds like a good cupcake

Badassbitch💖- I wouldn't know CAUSE SHE ATE IT!

Scarface⚡️- well....

Scarface⚡️- that's disappointing.

Badassbitch💖- I know I chased her around the common room as she was eating it she almost choked because she was laughing so hard with the cupcake in her mouth as she was running.

Badassbitch💖- once I finally caught up to her and jumped on her she SWALLOWED IT!

Scarface⚡️- 😂

Scarface⚡️- I have a question.

Badassbitch💖 - shoot I'm all ears.

Scarface⚡️- ok well why do Slytherins always have cupcakes?

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