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Pancake 🥞- omg guess what I found on potters phone!

Dracock- what?!

Pancake 🥞- oh so now you don't care that I snooped???

Dracock- no I don't care I just wasn't going to say that in the messages that he could read I would have totally done it aswell.

Pancake 🥞- ThAtS wHaT I ThOugHt!

Dracock- ok pans just tell me

Pancake 🥞- oh yea well I found out he likes a guy to he like wrote it in his notes it's kinda like a diary but it was mostly about voldy then his friends then fights he had with you then he started talking about the 'mystery boy' he was texting and how he now has a crush on you and how I'm auctally not that bad and I'm pretty funny.

Dracock - ok I find it hilariously he has a diary I mean... HES 18! And did he really say he liked you as a friend?

Pancake 🥞- YESSSS he wrote and I quote
'Pansy texted me and to be honest she isn't auctally that bad and she made me laugh idk wtf is going on first I'm texting a stranger then I fall for Malfoy and now I'm friends with Parkinson. Well I mean it could be worse the nose-less bitch could be back' that's what he wrote, the last part made me laugh out loud though.

Dracock- nose-less bitch 😂👏🏻

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