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"Hey I'll be right back I'm gonna head to the wash room." Draco says typing one last thing on his phone before standing to leave

Badassbitch💖 - brb pansy lost here phone gotta help her Find it

Scarface⚡️- Alright But hurry Draco's leaving to aNd I don wanna be bored

Badassbitch💖- of course raven we wouldn't want you to be bored.

Scarface⚡️- shut up

Draco stands leaving his phone in the desk before walking away. Harry plays some game on his phone called dune until he hears Draco's phone buzz but he leaves it because it's none of his business, that is until it buzzes 7 more times. Harry picks up his phone about to text the person to tell them draco is gone but will be ba k in a minute when he sees the texts.

Pansycake🥞- so hows it going?
Pansycake🥞- I don't like being ignored
Pansycake🥞- get your ass on this phone
Pansycake🥞- I'm gonna eat your cupcake
Pansycake🥞- the one with blue icing pink sprinkles!
Pansycake🥞-you have 3 seconds
Pansycake🥞- it has been done

Harry laughs picks up th phone and texts pansy

Drachoe- Hey pansy it's harry Draco's in the washroom 😂

Pansycake🥞- shit he's gonna be mad

Drachoe-Cuz I'm on his phone?

Pansycake🥞- no I ate his cupcake I wasn't lying

Drachoe- I suggest you hide

Pansycake🥞-I already am running

Harry looks up to the sound of screaming coming from the hallway outside of the library. He stands walking over to the door and sees pansy running down the hall screaming quickly running my down the hall once more to where he assumes in the kitchens.

Drachoe-wtf are you doing😂

Pansycake🥞- running away to were he will never find me

Drarry texts Where stories live. Discover now