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Harry - hello

Unknown - it's only been 3 hours!

Harry- 3 hours 2 long!

Unknown- what's your last name?

Harry- why? How many Harry's are in Hogwarts?

Unknown - I think 3.

Unknown - but that doesn't matter, what is your last name.

Harry- why should I give you my last name when you won't even give me your first. 🤔

Unknown- touché, but for Merlin's sake just give me your last name!

Harry- okay fine.


Unknown- last name is.....?

Harry- pottah!

Unknown- you mean potter? You can't be Harry Potter he isn't nearly as, idk, outgoing? Not uptight? Whatever you want to call it, as you.

Harry- I show different sides of me to different people.

Unknown- oh well ok.

Harry- what do you want me to put your name as in my contacts I mean I can't just keep you as unknown.

Unknown- umm put it as badass bitch💖

Harry - Er ok 😂

Harry is changing unknown to badass bitch💖

Harry- there:)

Badass bitch💖- thank you, do you just want me to keep you as Harry?

Harry- no Change my name to daddy💦👅

Badass bitch💖 - hell ya!

Harry- omg I was joking 😂 make it umm scarface⚡️

Badassbitch💖- aw, pussy.

Badass bitch💖 is changing harry to scarface⚡️

Scarface⚡️ - better

Badass bitch💖- doesn't Draco Malfoy call you that?

Scarface⚡️- Yeah but I kinda like that name.

Scarface⚡️- don't tell him that he'll have my head!

Badass bitch💖 - I won't don't worry.

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