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Scarface⚡️ - Hello

Badassbitch💖- hi

Scarface⚡️ - Someone told me your gay

Badassbitch💖 - Well I'm about as straight as grangers hair.

Scarface⚡️- ok so now that I've got that cleared. They also told me that you've got a crush on me.

Badassbitch💖- who may I ask told you this?

Scarface⚡️- she would be pretty mad if I told you and I don't necessarily want to be murder.

Badassbitch💖- that's all I needed you to say.

Scarface⚡️- what do you mean.

Badassbitch💖- that gave me enough to know it was Pansy Bloody Parkinson. She's gonna die.

Scarface⚡️- well if she asks I didn't tell you she told me got it?


Scarface⚡️- Oh no

Scarface⚡️- I'm as good as gone.

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