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Scarface⚡️- fine whatever.

Scarface⚡️- drakey poo

Badassbitch💖- did pant tell you that name

Scarface⚡️- she didn't tell me but I heard her call you that the other night when she was asking to copy your charms

Badassbitch💖- ugh

Scarface⚡️- oh cheer up honey

Badassbitch💖- harry!

Scarface⚡️- what?

Badassbitch💖-you can only call me that if we're married😏😂

Scarface⚡️- well shouldn't we be dating first

Badassbitch💖- how would you even ask someone to be there boyfriend anyways? Wouldn't it be like awkward and weird.

Scarface⚡️- no not really just do it like this.

Scarface⚡️- i really like you and have for a while now (prob) and I was wondering if maybe you would like to be go out sometime or even be my boyfriend

Badassbitch💖- Awe I would love to how does 7 tonight sound? Meet me at the black lake dress comfy

Scarface⚡️- what?


Scarface⚡️- that was smooth

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