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"Finally Draco, decided to show up aye?" Pansy says as Draco comes stumbling down the stairs as he finished rolling up his leaves just below the dark mark.

"Shut up and let's get this over with I have a potions essay due next week" Draco snaps at pansy who rolls her eyes.

"Ok so to start off I have pictur-"

"No! I said story, nothing about pictures" Draco growls at pansy. "Hush my dracy it's my story" she says with a grin pulling out pictures and Draco uses his seeker skills to snatch them away but like always Harry's been more fast and see Draco eyeing them before he even moves a muscle and grabbed them first.

"Harry!" Draco gasped in shock before throwing a glare at pansy "I hate you with all my heart" he death whispers. Pansy quickly locks his feet and arms together with a spell so he can't move anywhere or grab anything. "PANSY! What are you doing!?" He yells trying to move.

"Making sure you don't try to stop me from telling the story." She replies then turns to Harry who is watching them amused.

"So, when Draco was little, oh god he's gonna hate me, when Draco was little he adored you! He kept every single photo and/or article of you that was ever in the news paper and bought every single Harry Potter related thing he could get his tiny hands on, his father didn't know of course but he still did, he hid it under his bed in a old shoe box wrapped up in a blanket.

I remember I found it one time when we were maybe 5, he was sassing his father down in the kitchens, I laughed so hard and he came back but had no idea I saw his 'treasures'" pansy explains and Draco goes wide eyed

"How did u know about that?!" He hisses and thrashes around in the invisible binds
"Oh god I didn't tell you?!" Pansy asks smile only growing wider. "NO!" "Wait when was the last time you saw this box?" He asks urgently.

"Uh like when you were 10" Pansy says confused and Draco sighs with what looks to be relief and pansy just chooses to ignore it

Draco yells and pansy just laughs. "I swear I told you at some point though"

"Anyways I found pictures in that box-"

"If they are what i think they are I swear to Merlin you better sleep with one eye open because I will kill you!" He snaps and pansy just smirks more.

"Look at how cute he was!" Pansy giggled and Harry finally looks down at the 3 pictures in his hand and his eyes go wide before he grins so wide his face by split.

"DRACO YOU WERE SO CUTE!" He coos loudly and Draco goes red refusing to look up but mumbles a quite "which picture is it" and pansy smiles. "Darling I brought all 3, but he's looking at the one where you have a red tie on with black robes, your hair was everywhere, your grandfathers old wand in hand with a lightning bolt scar on your forehead u drew with you mothers eye liner." Pansy says and Draco sighs in defeat.

"You have you tongue stuck out, nose scrunched up, and you have one eye closed like your really Concentrating as you point the wand at the camera!" Harry giggles flipping to the next page.

"Awe in this one you have the same outfit on but with glasses now and it didn't look like your paying attention, your trying to keep the glasses from falling crooked on your face, you look like you about 7 now"
"Are you done yet pansy" Draco sighs face red staring at the ground in defeat.

"Almost one more, in this one your 9 years old, you have a prefect badge on your clothes, same tie and everything but now your holding you old quidditch broom and snitch in hand" Pansy explains as Harry stares at the adorable mini Draco who's still quite tall for his age but has a natural nice pink tinge in his nose and cheeks with his Harry all wild and sticking out everywhere.

"How did you know I was Gryffindor and played quidditch?" Harry asks and Draco rolls his eyes despite the embarrassment still not looking up.

"Your father played quidditch as does lots of people, both you parents were also Gryffindor and the rest of your family only good guesses" he explains. "Can you untie me now?" He asks finally looking up from the ground face still red. Harry walks over and wakes his hand which Draco immediately sighs to almost falling over. "Thanks, now give me my pictures back pansy!" He yells and pansy goes wide eyed before running as fast as she possibly could up the stairs.

"Don't hurt me!" She yells as Draco chases her. "Give. Me. My. Pictures!"


Only a couple more chapters! Thank you guys for reading this far

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