Childish Changes [Mew TF]

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Ian couldn't sleep. He was in the Parkenon Motel in Unova, known for the ghosts haunting the place. His girlfriend, Samara, slept in the bed next to his. It's a rather small hotel, and not many people in Unova know about it. Samara wanted to go to the hotel, because she was a thrill-seeker, but Ian disagreed. Ian got up out of bed, carefully quiet to not wake Samara, and went to the bathroom. He shut the door quickly and quietly, and looked in the mirror. For a minute after turning the light on, he stared in the mirror. Ian sighed. "Ugh, what am I doing?" He asked himself, running his hands through his already-scruffy brown hair. He groaned and looked back at the mirror. He saw a man behind him, most likely a ghost. He looked behind him to see nobody. He quietly headed back to his bed.

"Another day, another Pokémon catching adventure!" Samara said, nearly jumping out of bed. Ian crawled out of bed and hit the floor, grunting. "Jeez, Ian, get any sleep last night?" Ian shook his head no. "Maybe I should go to the pharmacy and get you some sleeping pills." Samara said, chuckling a little. "Maybe." Ian mumbled.

Samara ran out the hotel door before Ian even finished getting his clothes on. "Samara, wait!" He yelled, running after her with a shirt halfway on. He got his shirt on after sprinting out the door and ramming into the railing, as they were on the second floor of the haunted motel. Ian groaned and hit the floor. "Need some help, Mr. Uncontrollable Cheetah?" Samara asked jokingly. Ian chuckled slightly before nodding, and let Samara pull him upwards. They went downstairs and into the car, driving off into the forest. Before they left, as Ian looked at his motel room window for what he didn't know would be the last time they saw the motel, he could swear he saw a Mew, staring back at him, smiling.

"I heard about a lot of legendaries being found here recently. I thought it would be a good place to be." Samara commented after she and Ian had left the car after parking in a small sightseeing lot. "Why didn't you bring the repel?" Ian asked crankily, swatting away the bug Pokémon attacking them constantly. "I thought you were supposed to...whatever. Let's not have these bug Pokémon ruin our time here." Samara said, stopping herself mid-sentence and returning to a more optimistic tone. Ian stared at the grass ground for a moment before silently nodding.

"Cool, an artifact!" Samara said, running up to it. "Samara, no!" Ian said, following her. "What harm can come from an old orb like this?" Samara asked, picking up the object from the ground. Ian slapped her arm, making her drop it. "Ian, really? What was the point of that, exactly?" She asked irritably. "It might be dangerous!" He replied, slightly annoyed at her. Samara groaned and rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Let's head back to the motel now." She said, walking back to the trail they had followed. Ian sighed in relief and followed her.

In the car, Samara thought she saw a change in vision and pulled over to the side of the road. "Wh--Samara, what are you doing?" Ian asked. "Hold on." She said, getting out of the car. Samara felt like she saw things in a more...childish view. Ian got out of the car about two minutes later, noticing that Samara had stopped moving. "Samara, what are you--" Ian was about to say something, but noticed the same thing Samara had seen: a split-second vision of a more childish view of the world. "Woah, what the heck?" Ian asked himself.

Samara was standing closer to a steep hill than Ian, and immediately dropped to the floor. "SAMARA!!" Ian screamed as she fell down the hill and hit the bottom. She groaned and Ian immediately noticed the first changes on her: she was shrinking.

By the time she finished shrinking, she was only a little above 1 foot. She crawled out of her clothes. Her legs had grown slightly taller. All of Samara's changes happened before Ian's. Her feet become 3-toed paws, and pink fur grew all over her. She looked at Ian for a moment before starting to giggle. Ian was confused, but continued staring in nervousness. Samara's arms became 3-toed paws, and also shrunk at the same time.

She started to full-on laugh, and Ian barely heard "You look funny!" though her laughs. Her nose was changed to a short and wide snout, and her eyes changed from brown to blue, also growing slightly larger. Samara started floating in the air, and Ian tried tripped and fell down the hill accidentally. Her ears moved higher up her head, shortened slightly, and become trianglular, and for the final change, a long tail grew from her back, which ended in an egg-like shape.

Samara was laughing so hard then, and Ian figured it was because he had fallen. He felt giggly too, and started laughing with Samara. He started going through the same changes, but didn't even mind it. He shrunk to a little over 1 foot, and his legs grew longer and his arms shrunk. They both were laughing now. His hands and feet became 3-toed paws, and he grew a wide but short snout. His eyes were already naturally blue, so the color didn't change. The eyes grew slightly larger, though. He started to float in the air and continued laughing. His ears moved almost to the top of his head and shrunk slightly, becoming triangular, and a long tail, which was egg-shaped at the end, grew from his back.

Samara and Ian lived in the forest from then on, not remembering or even caring about being in a breaking relationship together. They stayed friends and were happy with that. The two best friends stayed in the forest ever since, because trainers don't usually come to the forest because of the disappearances, especially the ones like Samara and Ian's.

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