A Legendary Bond [Latias & Latios TF]

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A group of siblings, Earl and Amy Wenzt, were basically inseparable. They would go everywhere together, and would only separate when they went to bed, though their beds were right next to each other's. They loved each other a lot, and never wanted to separate, even when they grew up. They wanted to have the same jobs, and everything. Their town was in the middle of a giant group of plains, so the parents could see their children from quite a while away. The town was known to have "guardians", which would either change or get a new group of teammates every so often, usually every 100 years. This year was probably the 9th time the town was switching again, and a chosen few would be transformed into Pokémon and taken who-knows-where by the current guardians.

The siblings were scared of being separated. They had always stayed together, so being separated after all those years of being together would be practical torture for them. 8 new guardians would be chosen this year out of the town's current population of a little over 700 people. Earl and Amy hugged each other closely, worried. "5 out of the 8 guardians have already been chosen. Their names are: Tara Seming, Ian Romanin, Earl Wenzt, Darren Salam, and Mike Cotaut. The other 3 are still being decided, and once the decision is made, the new 8 guardians will be brought away to protect our town and the field and forest around it." The mayor said. "Meeting dismissed."

Amy sobbed silently in the middle of the field. Earl ran over to her. "It'll be alright. I'm sure the guardians know what they're doing, Amy. I might be able to visit again if you don't get chosen." Earl said, trying to be reassuring. "But, nobody has ever seen the guardians return. You'll be gone forever, and...I'll be on my own." Amy said. Earl sighed. "The guardians...they know what they're doing. I'm sure it's for a good reason." He said, before walking away.

The guardians were watching, and they instantly knew what to do. One of the gods, a Ho-Oh, smiled, and initiated the plan.

Amy watched Earl join in with the "going away" parties for the guardians. They'd have another one of those parties when the next 3 were discovered. "Attention, everyone! Please come to the meeting area now! There is some important news!" The mayor announced the next day.

Everyone gathered at the meeting area, and the mayor continued talking. "A new guardian has been added. There will now be 9 guardians instead of 8. The current guardians have made their decisions and it is final. The new guardians are: Landon Kurnikle, Ben Fern, Sandra Sederst, and..." Amy hugged Earl tightly. "...Amy Wenzt. The new guardians will be picked up soon. Meeting dismissed." The mayor finished. Amy screamed happily. "I'm so happy!" She yelled, picking up Earl and swinging him around. "Agh, stop, I'm gonna puke." Earl joked. Amy put him down. "This is exciting." Amy said. "Yeah, it really is." Earl replied, smiling too.

The next day, all  the "new" guardians heard a voice in their head: "Go to the forest out of town." Everyone knew what that meant, and they all headed there. Amy and Earl held each other's hands as they gathered at the meeting spot. A Lugia appeared in front of them. "You have been chosen by the current guardians to replace some of them. The reasons will be kept private. Your changes will begin now." The Lugia said, before disappearing. A woman with brown hair and glasses (Tara) was picked up by a tractor beam, and was changed into Celebi, before disappearing. A few others were picked up and changed into different legendaries/mythicals, before it got to Earl's turn. He smiled at Amy before his changes began.

His legs and feet became fin-like and turned blue, and his arms became split into 2 parts, blue where the fingers were, and there was a connecting piece between the two parts. His fingers merged and shifted into 3 claws on each hand. Blue covered the bottom half of his body, stopping in three triangles on his back: two normal and one inverse in the middle. On his stomach, a red triangle formed on the blue. Two long wings formed from his back, also blue. Earl's neck grew larger and his ears moved slightly, and grew outwards. His eyes stretched slightly, and his eye color turned red. His face became blue, except for an oval-like shape in the middle. The rest of his skin turned white. Earl had become Latios.

After 5 others were transformed, Amy was the only other one left. She was picked up, and her changes began. Her legs and feet became fin-like similar to Earl's, but red. Her arms reshaped in a similar way, the same 2 parts and connector, but the hand part was red. The finger became 3 claws on each hand. Red covered her body the same way blue covered Earl's. A blue triangle formed on Amy's stomach. Wings that were slightly shorted grew on Amy's body, colored red. Her neck also grew larger, but her ears grew to a slightly smaller shape, though they did move to about the same area as Earl's. Amy's eyes grew a bit bigger, and her eye color became orange. "Laaa..." She muttered, before realizing her voice had changed. Red covered her face, except for a shape in the middle which was a weirdly shaped pentagon. Amy had become a Latias, and was teleported away.

"Lati!" [Earl!] Amy said, after being teleported. Earl was standing (or floating) right in front of her. They hugged, and went to the rest of the new guardians for a new type of meeting: the Guardian meeting.

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