Pokémon Camp Pt. 3 [Blastoise & Meganium TF]

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"I guess we can just stay here, since you can't really leave the water..." Ryan said after Timothy had helped them out of the water. Suddenly, they heard chatting through the path leading to the camp. "Hide!" Timothy said to Ryan and Derek. Both of them ran to a tent immediately, hiding from view.

"Huh, a lake. And there's even a Lapras." Sandra said, reaching the end of the path. "We should go home, Sandra. It's going to rain." Michael said behind her. "Oh, stop being a baby. We came here for fun, right? Well, that's exactly what we'll do!" Sandra set her stuff down on the ground. "Come on, Michael." Sandra said, looking behind her at Michael, who looked worried. "N-no..." He mumbled, running off. "Michael!" Sandra yelled, quickly grabbing her stuff, before being stopped by a Poliwhirl and Ditto. "What the..." She muttered.

"MICHAEL!" She yelled. "Whiiiirl!" The Poliwhirl yelled. It was charging up an attack...right at her. "Oh no..." Sandra said, slowly backing away. Suddenly, an electric bolt charged from the woods behind the lake hit the Poliwhirl. Sandra immediately ran off.

"MICHAEL!!" She screamed. It was raining now, the ground muddy and wet. "AGH--" She yelled, slipping on the ground and face-planting into the mud. Her clothes, already slightly dirty, were made dirtier by the mud. She got up and spit mud out of her mouth. "WHIIIRL!" The Poliwhirl yelled from behind her. She began running again. Suddenly, she stopped short when she saw what was ahead of her. A group of 4 Pokémon, standing straight ahead of her. A Pikachu, Arcanine, Floatzel, and Pidgeot.

"W-wha..." She muttered. "Poliwhirl!" The Poliwhirl yelled again, this time right behind Sandra. "AH!" She yelled, falling back into the mud. It was charging another attack. Sandra quickly got up and ran, right past the 4 Pokémon that had formed a sort of roadblock. "MICHAEL!" She yelled again. She shouted in surprise as something grabbed her leg, pulling her to the ground, her face being covered in more mud.

She groaned as she looked at where she was. It was back at the lake. The Poliwhirl and Ditto were right in front of her, seeming to smile. "Sandra, I heard you--" Michael said, finally arriving back to the lake. He stared at the sight in front of him.

"Get over here and help me!" Sandra said. "Screw this." She grabbed her bag, and whacked the Poliwhirl in the face. "Let's go!" She yelled, grabbing Michael's hand and running. Michael snapped out of his shock and groaned. "Sandra!" Michael said, stopping Sandra. "What?" She asked, turning around. "The Poliwhirl." She muttered. The Ditto appeared behind them. "Nowhere to run..." Michael said again.

After being brought back by the two "evil" Pokémon, they took away Sandra and Michael's stuff. "We're doomed." Sandra muttered. The Poliwhirl shot a beam of water at Sandra, throwing her into the lake. "SANDRA!" Michael yelled. He jumped in after her.

Sandra screamed as she was dragged to the bottom of the lake, water entering her mouth. The changes started for her almost immediately. Her lower jaw became cream-colored, while the rest of her head become blue. She became 5 feet tall and 188 and a half pounds, right before a large brown shell with a pale underside and white ridges covered her body. Two cannons were pointing out of the shell from each shoulder. Her eyes became more triangular and slightly bigger and they stayed brown, and her ears became bigger and also more triangular, moving farther up her head. Sandra's face stretched outwards very far, while her nose disappeared into her face, leaving two nostrils that quickly became bigger. Her arms and legs became much shorter and her knees and elbows disappeared. All four limbs had also become tougher and the same shade of blue as most of Sandra's head. Her fingers merged into 3 , and changed into large white claws. Her feet had the same effect, and finally, a short blue tail grew from her back, completing Sandra's transformation into a Blastoise.

Michael tried to swim towards Sandra, though he was stopped by the water pulling him to the floor. His eyes widened when he faintly saw a Blastoise in the distance. Before he could react any further, his changes began.

Two large yellow stamens with anthers at the end of each grew from above Michael's nose. His face pushed outwards, while his ears disappeared into his head, which quickly turned light green. Michael's eyes became much bigger, his eye color changing from brown to yellow, and his nose disappeared into his face as his two nostrils became slightly bigger. Michael's neck became longer, and turned light green. Large, pink flower petals with white tips and yellow central patterns grew at the bottom of his now larger neck. Michael's arms became much shorter, changing into front legs of a sauropod-like creature, while turning light green, and his hands changed into feet, with 3 white toes. Michael became almost 6 feet tall and 221 pounds, while the rest of his skin became light green. His legs also became shorter, became the back legs of a sauropod-like creature, and his feet lost 2 toes and turned white. Finally, a short, light green tail grew from Michael's back, completing his transformation into a Meganium.

Michael got out of the lake awkwardly. He searched the area and saw the Poliwhirl and Ditto that had caused the whole thing. "Don't bother." Someone said from behind him. "They just like making other people suffer." He turned around and saw a Pikachu. "I'm Ben. They were originally my Pokémon, but...after they turned me into a Pikachu, I pretty much abandoned them but stayed here anyways."

Sandra was sitting by the lake talking to the Lapras and a Growlithe, whose names were Timothy and Derek, respectively. "So this happened to you just before we got here?" Sandra asked. She noticed Michael coming over. "Hi, Michael!" She said happily. There were many more people to be transformed, and Jamie and Griffin were waiting for them to visit Pokémon Camp.

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