Eeveelution Wheel [All Eeveelution TFs + 1 TG]

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"So, this wheel, it has 9 slices, and 9 people?" Juan asked. "Yep. And those 9 are the closest to the wheel." Erica answered. Erica, Juan, Steven, Evan, Ian, Scott, Leon, Darren, and Mary were standing in a room. "This is stupid." Darren sighed. Mary slapped him. "Respect it!" She replied. 
Spin the wheel, o' great leader." Ian joked. Erica sighed and spun the wheel fast, and it landed on Espeon. "So, Erica's the closest. Does that mean--" Leon began to say, before Erica groaned uncomfortably.

Erica's ears grew lavender fur and grew much longer, ending in a point twisted differently from the rest of the ear. A red gem appeared on her forehead as the lavender fur continued downwards. Her nose became a tiny black snout and Erica's eyes turned entirely purple as two tufts of fur grew out on either side of Erica's head. Finally for her head, her face pushed out into a muzzle.

As the fur continued downwards, Erica seemed to get slimmer, and her organs shifted around. By the time it reached her arms, she was a measly 58 pounds. Her hands lost all fingers, becoming stubs, and her arms also became slimmer. A lavender tail that split near the end into two parts grew from her back. When the fur reached her legs, they shifted into hind legs and, and at her feet, the toes entirely disappeared. Her transformation was completed, and 8 remain.

"Uhh, that's great. I'm not going next." Juan said, pushing Ian in front of him. "Someone spin the wheel." Scott replied. Mary sighed and spun the wheel, and it stopped on Vaporeon. "Wait, Espeon disappeared from the wheel!" Steven noted. Right after he said that, Vaporeon disappeared from the wheel too, making the remaining slices bigger. Mary screamed as her changes started, because she had noticed that 3 fins had grown on her head: one on the top, and two on both sides, all of them with cream-colored webbing, and dark blue markings. The ridge from the fins spread down her back as the changes continued.

The currently uncovered part of her head was covered in light blue, and her nose became a small snout and her eyes turned black. A white ruff grew around her neck as the light blue continued down her body. She lost weight to the point where she was 63 pounds, and her hand became 3-toed paws. Her legs became a quadruped's hind legs, and the feet suffered the same fate as her hands when the light blue reached them. A tail grew from her back, which the dark blue ridge continued on, until the split at the end, which made it look like a mermaid tail. Mary's transformation was completed.

"We still have 7 people to go, and 2 that can't talk." Ian said. "Va!" Mary tried to say something. "Okay, 2 that can't talk NORMALLY." Ian corrected. Juan sighed. "I guess I'll go." He muttered, spinning the wheel. "NOPE!" He yelled, jumping away at the last second. Darren was the closest to the wheel, and the wheel stopped on Flareon. "Oh no..." Darren muttered, before the changes began.

His ears grew red fur as they began growing larger and moved farther up his head. When they stopped, they were much bigger than before. A tuft of cream fur grew on the top of his head between his ears as the red fur went down his face. His face pushed out into a muzzle while his nose became a small black snout, and his eyes grew bigger and turned black. A small mane of cream fur covered Darren's neck, and when the red fur reached Darren's arms, they reshaped slightly to fit the front legs of a quadruped. His hands became 3-toed paws. He shrunk to a little under 3 feet and lost weight to 55 pounds. At the bottom of his back, Darren grew a bushy, messy, and short cream fur tail. His legs reshaped to fit those of a quadruped, and his feet became 3-toed paws. Darren was now a complete Flareon.

"Haha, I tricked him!" Juan cried out, laughing. "Okay, let's get rid of you talking for now. Scott, hold him in place. I'll spin the wheel and get behind Juan." Leon said. Scott nodded and held Juan in place. "Y-you...YOU CAN'T DO THIS!" He yelled. "Flare!" Darren yelled. Leon spun the wheel and run behind Scott and Juan, before it stopped on a line. "S-see? Nobody gets transformed! Ha! Your plan fai--AGHH!" Juan screamed. Scott groaned and hit the floor as both of their changes began. "What's happening?" Steven asked, looking at the wheel. The arrow was between Leafeon and Sylveon, Leafon being Scott's, and Sylveon being Juan's.

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