Stones [Creation Trio TFs]

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"Let's go already!" Michael said. "Hold on, Michael..." Steven muttered from another room. Michael, Steven, and Jake were three brothers, who would stay together. Jake was already in the car, waiting patiently. "Let's go!" Steven said. They all got in the car and drove off to the ruins, that would change their lives forever.

"Ahh, the ruins!" Jake said. "Hey look, a stone..." Michael said. "Michael, wait--" Steven said, before Michael grabbed it. "It looks--GAH!" Michael yelled, as changes began to his body.

Michael's toes merged into 3 and became much larger. His toes pushed towards each other, the middle one becoming the longest, as it sharpened. All of his toes turned white. A purple stripe grew on each heel as a small spike grew from the bottom of the heel. His legs became shorter, though his thighs became slightly fatter. Three purple stripes grew on the bottom of his torso, going down onto a new, long tail that grew from his back. The middle of his torso became dark gray, though the top of his torso became white with purple outlines. Plates with purple stripes grew on his shoulders, with a gray-rimmed pearl in the middle.

Michael's underarms turned gray as his forearms and wrists became in a gauntlet-like shape. His fingers became sharper, almost like claws, as they turned white. A purple band grew on each wrist. Huge wings grew from his back, separated in three shapes, though clumped together. A white, pointed crest grew from his new wings all the way to the top of his head while his neck became much longer than before, as his hair disappeared. Michael's eyes turned black except for the pupils, which turned red. Two horn-like tusks grew on the sides of his jaw. His teeth had also changed much differently, and Michael became 13 feet and 3 quarters, and 740 pounds, making him a complete Palkia.

"That was extremely fast." Steven muttered. "Palllll...Palkia!" Michael said. "Let's find some other stones." Jake said. Steven nodded. As Steven and Jake entered the next room, leaving Michael in the previous one, they saw another stone. "This is really's like they wanted us to be here." Steven muttered. "I'll grab it." Jake said, grabbing the stone. A bright light shone in the room as his changes began.

Jake's toes merged into 3 as they turned gold and became sharper, the middle toe becoming the biggest and sharpest. A black stripe going around his arms and legs grew on his body. A new pair of legs grew between his arms and legs, which looked the same as his new legs. The black strip had also shifted around. His arms met the same fate as his legs, becoming 3 fingers on each hand, which became sharp gold toes, the middle being the sharpest and biggest.

A large black stripe grew from Jake's head down to the bottom of his torso as a short, grey tail grew from his back. Horizontal red stripes covered Jake's neck as it grew much longer, and three gold half-rings grew on the back of his neck. Large tattered wings with 3 long, sharp, red claws grew on each wing. A gold crown-like object grew on his head as his hair disappeared, and his eyes became completely black with red pupils. The rest of his skin had become grey, and Jake was now 14 and 3 quarters feet tall and 1,653 pounds, making Jake a complete Giratina.

"The final room...the final stone..." Steven said, entering the next room. He looked at the stone ahead of him, and quickly realized it was a diamond. "The creation trio: Palkia, Giratina, and...Dialga." Steven muttered. When Steven touched the diamond, it hit him in the chest and locked there. Steven fell to the ground from the impact. It had locked itself to his chest, starting his transformation.

The diamond became centered in a metal chestplate that grew on Steven's chest. Light blue stripes grew all over Steven's body as his toes merged into 3, and became more metallic, turning gray. The smallest toe was now the one in the middle. A fin-like structure grew on Steven's back as a medium-sized tail grew behind it.

Three spines grew on the back of Steven's neck, which had quickly stretched longer. His fingers merged into 3, becoming legs, and his fingers, which had become toes, changed shape. The toes had changed the same way his now hind legs had. Steven's head extended outwards and ended in a point as two two metallic horns grew that extended out near the end of his head. His eyes became entirely black except for his now red pupils, and he became 17 and 3 quarters feet tall and 1,505 pounds, completing his transformation into a Dialga.

Steven quickly walked back to Jake awkwardly (he didn't get used to having 4 legs yet), and Jake noticed that his had finished. "Cool, you're now the master of time." Jake said. "Well, you have your own dimension now." Steven replied. "And Michael's the master of space." Jake said.

After Jake and Steven got Michael, they ran away to a place nobody knows, to deal with problems of their own. Nobody can find them to this day, until...

[Yes, there will be a sequel!]

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