Special Halloween [Poochyena, Pregnant Charizard, & Jirachi TFs & TG]

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It was a normal Halloween night like any other. Jake and Kyle, two college students were chilling in their dorm, looking as all of the campus lights turned on outside. "It is time for the children to trick-or-treat!" Jake yelled, both of them laughing afterwards. "I miss trick-or-treating, honestly." Kyle said, looking at some trick-or-treaters who thought coming to a college for candy was a good idea.

Kyle sighed. "Here comes the kids. Got the candy?" He asked. Jake held up a big bowl of big candy: full size candy bars, share size M&Ms, and a bunch of jawbreakers and gum. "Gum?" Kyle asked, looking in the bowl. "Ehh, just in case. Well, no, it's free." Jake said, smiling. Kyle picked out all the gum and put it in a smaller bowl. "For safekeeping." He said as Jake sighed in annoyance.

Suddenly, the first knock came from the dorm door. "I'll get it." Jake said, skipping over to the door with the big bowl of candy, minus the gum. "Trick-or-treat!" A couple kids said at the door. Jake smiled and handed both of them some candy, before they walked away with a parent behind them and Jake shut the door. "First customers." He said, smiling.

About an hour, after most trick-or-treaters were back in their houses, Kyle was extremely bored and Jake was tired."Hey, uh, Jake, I'm gonna take a walk outside." Kyle said. "Oh, alright. Can I come? I need a break from handing out candy." Jake asked. Kyle nodded happily. Jake got off of his bed and followed Kyle out the door.

"I feel good after that." Jake said as they both entered the elevator to go to the ground floor. "Yeah, I miss trick-or-treating when we were kids." Kyle said, sighing. "Yep, I'm 7 years past the last time I went trick-or-treating." Jake said, remembering the last Halloween he went trick-or-treating. "I was a weak 13-year-old then. And now, I'm almost 20." The elevator doors closed, after 1 last person got inside.

"Hey, guys, do you think it's weird how kids come here nearly every Halloween?" Aaron, Kyle and Jake's friend, asked. "Nah. Those kids just think people here would give out candy. And they're right." Jake said. Kyle nodded behind him. "Where are you two going?" Aaron asked. "Just for a walk through the campus. You?" Kyle said. "Gonna see my friend on the second floor. He's at the coffee shop as we're in here." Aaron replied, as the doors opened. "See you two soon!" Aaron yelled, running to the coffee shop to meet up with his friend. Kyle and Jake nodded as the doors closed and the elevator continued downwards.

Kyle and Jake reached the ground floor and they exited the elevator. "So, all the way around the campus?" Jake asked. Kyle nodded. As they were walking around, they found a weird rose. "What the heck?" Jake asked, picking it up. Suddenly, he went into shock and fell onto the ground. "Gghhh..." He groaned, not able to do anything but mutter ineligible words. "JAKE?!" Kyle almost yelled. He saw Jake shrink. "Woah...what's happening?" He muttered, backing up from him. Jake wasn't even 2 feet by the time he stopped shrinking.

"Wh-what?!" Kyle was shocked. Whatever was happening was extremely weird for him. He carefully watched Jake in the bottom part of his shirt, shocked even more as dark grey fur had grown on his feet, changing them into...paws. That was what Kyle saw: 3-toed paws which had replaced Jake's feet. "Oh my god..." Kyle muttered.

Kyle stumbled backwards, hitting the ground. He felt extremely warm, like he had a fever, but ignored it. "I gotta get out of here." He mumbled, looking around. The lights were shutting off. It was that late. Light grey fur covered Jake's body as his legs twisted disturbingly into a quadruped's hind legs. Kyle flinches from just the sounds of the bones cracking to reshape themselves.

A moderately long grey furred tail grew from Jake's back, making him groan a bit. "Oh my god...help us..." Kyle said. Unexpectedly, he collapsed onto the concrete, the fever seeming to get too hot for him to handle. "So...hot...why..." He said, his voice becoming weaker and, though he didn't notice right then, more feminine.

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