First Pokémon [Multiple Pokémon TFs]

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7 children were preparing to get their Pokémon, all on one island: Pokémon Island.

James - Charmander

"Ready for your first day of being a Pokémon trainer?" James's mom asked him. "Definitely!" James replied, hurrying out the door. "See you soon!" He called, before shutting the door. James sprinted to the school, where, at his class, he would get his Pokémon. He arrived at the school early, and noticed a glass tube in the classroom. The couple who got there early looked scared, and he finally realized why after a minute.

After everyone arrived, the teacher told everyone what was going to happen. They told the kids to choose a Pokémon. James watched as Mike, a usually energetic kid, chose a Pikachu. He sighed and looked around, spotting a Charmander. He walked over to it. "Hi, buddy." James said, smiling slightly. "Char." It replied, looking upset. James hugged it and started sobbing, both of them hugging together for a couple minutes, before the 15 minutes were up, and people were brought into the chamber.

2 spots after Mike was James's turn. James looked at Mike, who was put with the rest of the transformed kids, and sighed. James walked into the chamber, and the door closed. "Charmander!" The Charmander yelled. "Is this the one?" The teacher asked. James nodded, and the teacher took a bit of DNA from the Charmander. She inserted it into the chamber, and gas sprayed out onto him. He coughed, and the gas entered his body. The transformation began.

Orange scales grew all over his body, except for his belly, which was covered with cream-colored scales. His fingers merged into 4 on each hand, and his toes became 3-clawed toes. His legs and arms became smaller, and his nose disappeared into his face, leaving two nostrils. His eyes grew, and most of his eye became a dark blue. A tail with cream-colored scales on the bottom and orange scales on the top grew from his back, with fire at the tip of the tail. He shrunk to only 2 feet, and he lost weight to the point where he wasn't even 20 pounds. His transformation was finished into a Charmander.

He was put with the other transformed kids, along with Mike, and the Charmander walked up to him. "Sorry about the...y'know..." He said. "It's not your fault. It's the teacher's." James replied sadly. Charmander sat down by him for the rest of the class, and they casually chatted.

Gerald - Chikorita

Gerald was going to a laboratory in his town to choose his Pokémon. He practically sprinted there, and when he reached the door, his professor, Carlon, welcomed him. "You're ready for the...experiment?" He asked. "Experiment?" Gerald asked. "It's something special...what Pokémon would you want?" Carlon asked. "I'm only taking 3 people, and you're the earliest." Gerald sighed. "Chikorita, I guess." The professor nodded. "Grab your Pokéball." He said. Gerald touched the Pokéball, but it shocked him. "OW...WHAT WAS THAT?!" Gerald yelled. "The experiment. It seems to have worked." Carlon said. "WORKED?! IT SHOCKED ME!" Gerald replied in anger.

Small buds grew around his neck. "Yes, it's working." The professor said, smiling. He screamed as he saw his hands, as the fingers had all merged into 1 toe. "WHAT KIND OF SICK EXPERIMENT IS THIS?!" He screamed. Carlon left, and Gerald was stuck there with 3 Pokéballs, one empty, the one he touched. His feet had changed the same way to his hands. His eyes, along with his head, grew slightly bigger, his pupils also growing and changing to a dark red color. His arms and legs became stubbier, and he noticed that he was shrinking, stopping at almost 3 feet tall. His skin became pale green, and a short tail grew from his back, the same color as his skin. "CHIK!" He tried to yell. For the final change, a green leaf grew on the top of his head. Gerald had been turned into the Pokémon he originally wanted: a Chikorita.

"It worked." Professor Carlon said, entering the lab after Gerald's human screaming stopped, and Chikorita screaming began. Carlon grabbed the empty Pokéball and put the originally human Gerald in it. Gerald struggled to try and escape, but it didn't work. He was caught, and his Pokéball was brought to the back room. Two Pokéballs remained: one for Cyndaquil, and the other for Totodile.

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