Never Alone [Charizard TF]

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Ben sobbed as he looked at the tombstone. Ivi, his Charizard, was tossed into freezing water, and froze to death. The body was never found, as the broken ice sheet quickly repaired itself, and it was like there was never a hole there. "I'm sorry, Ivi." Ben said quietly, getting up. "Let's go home, Zu." He said to his Luxio.

Ben sighed as he stared at the floor. "Luxi..." Zu said beside him. "Zu, I just wish...I wish that battle never happened." Ben replied. "I wish Ivi was still here." Ben shuffled around in the bed for a moment. "I'm going to take a nap." He said, falling asleep soon after.

Zu jumped off the bed (quietly) and carefully walked out of Ben's home. He walked through a small area of the forest, before reaching a pond. Part of it was covered by ice. Ivi died there. "Please, Arceus, bring Ivi back. I hate seeing my trainer like this." Zu said to the sky. A flash of light appeared above the pond, before fading. Zu quickly ran back home.

"Trainer." Ben heard a voice, waking him up. "Huh?" He mumbled. "I'm here." The voice said again. "Trainer." "T-trainer?" Ben muttered, still completely confused. Ben tried to ignore the voice, but it didn't work. "Ivi." The voice said to Ben. Ben started sobbing. "I'm Ivi." The voice continued. "We can be together again." Ben opened his eyes. "Who are you?" He asked. "Let me help you." The voice, Ivi, said. Ben tried, but he couldn't.

He felt a warmth inside of him, which made him shift around uncomfortably. Ben tried to make it stop. "Please!" He yelled. He screamed as his toes merged into 3 claws on each foot. "Ivi, please..." Ben sobbed. "We can be together again. Like you wanted." Ivi replied. The feet became covered in orange scales, and his legs were too as they shortened. "Ivi..." Ben muttered. Zu peeked into the room and smiled, before leaving. Cream colored scales covered his stomach as he began gaining weight, stopping at not even a pound under 200. Ben also grew slightly bigger, stopping at 5 feet and 7 inches tall.

Ben screamed in pain as a large tail burst from his back with a flame at the narrow end. The bottom was covered in cream scales, and the top in orange. Cream scales covered his body as they traveled farther upwards, eventually reaching his arms. Ben's arms became became thinner, and his fingers merged into 3 as they separated slightly, and claws grew from his fingers. His neck lengthened as the orange scales continued upwards, and his face pushed outwards, his mouth lengthening with it. "Ivi...please..." Ben muttered again. His nose went back into his face, leaving two nostrils, which grew slightly bigger. His eyes grew slightly bigger, too, and two horns grew from the top of his head. His ears had disappeared, though he could hear even better now.

"I-Ivi..." Ben mumbled, looking at his new body. "I'm sorry. I should've...I didn't know..." He said. "It's okay. It wasn't your fault. And we're back together now, aren't we?" Ivi said. "Y-yeah..." Ben answered. "Let's explore, shall we?" Ivi asked. Ben smiled and got off of his head and carefully left his room, flying into the sky in search for adventure. Ben was never found.

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