Experimented On [Shiny Porygon-Z TF]

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Made by MechaDragoCat (https://www.wattpad.com/user/MechaDragoCat)

Colress awoke on a cold, disinfectant smelling floor. That wasn't exactly normal, not even for him. He pushed himself up, and saw that he was in a darkened lab area... wait, what? He'd been visiting Alola for his research.... Where the hell was he? In his limited vision, he could make out something that seemed to be an operating table... he didn't remember ever having one back in his lab in Unova, so that ruled out at least one area, though that was unlikely anyway. He walked around a bit, feeling his way around. He felt... off. Like there was something missing... He stopped in shock, and nervously patted himself down, realizing that his specialized lab coat was gone. So, someone stole it... he noted. He wasn't used to not having his technology with him, so it made him feel even more uneasy that he had no clue of his own whereabouts. Let's see... I... I don't remember much before now... he concentrated, trying to bring his racing thoughts under control, and to remember what had taken place before he ended up here. Wasn't I at the Tide Song Hotel?...Yes, I believe that's correct... there was some man who talked to me about his organization... I think... I think I disagreed with him on something and then he was irritated with me... and... everything's a blank after that... He reached a conclusion at that moment. That would mean that I'm- He was distracted by the harsh artificial lights suddenly turning on in the small room, and immediately had to shield his eyes from their glare.

"Hello there, Colress."

He spun around in shock, and was met with a tall, beautiful, and long-haired blonde lady standing in the doorway. She was truly stunning, from her outfit to her natural beauty. But those eyes... If looks could kill, she'd freeze you to death. Sure, her gorgeousness was outstanding, but her presence turned the entire room into a solid chunk of ice. Colress felt an involuntary shiver go up his spine as he approached him. He needed to calm down... but couldn't. He felt like this lady's prey, like a Rattata being toyed with before it died at the paws of a Meowth... He'd never felt such deep fear and panic before, not even during the Kyurem incident with Team Plasma.

"Welcome to The Aether Foundation. I'm the president, Lusamine." She smiled sweetly as she spoke, but you could tell there was no real sweetness behind it. She stuck out her right hand, expecting a handshake. He stayed exactly where he was. She set her hands on her hips, seemingly disappointed, but she was merely bored now.

"No? How sad... I was expecting the second leader of Team Plasma to be more friendly, and more... willing." There was a stretch of time where they both stared at each other for a bit, neither giving in. "I can see your fear... Just give up already, Colress."

He finally managed to say something, though quietly. "How do you... know my name? And... I'm not proud of the whole Team Plasma endeavor..." His conclusion had turned out to be more or less correct so far, and well... that wasn't really a good thing.

She didn't respond. Or not verbally, at least. Any trace of false cheerfulness was immediately gone from her expression, and was replaced with a grin that could only be described as demon-like.

"Faba, won't you come here, please?" She snapped her fingers, and a man with green hair, a goatee, and goggles that made him resemble a Flygon joined the two in the room. He noted that he was carrying something, but he couldn't tell what on Earth it was. There was something else about him though... something that he remembered.

"You're... you're from the Tide Song Hotel! I remember everything now... You wanted me to join your cause, but I didn't want to get involved... and then... you drugged me and brought me here." The normally calm scientist had a slight edge to his voice. "... so now I assume it's time for your ultimatum..."

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