New Life For A Meaning [Ninetales TF TG]

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Harry sighed. He hadn't done anything that day, and he was extremely bored. Harry walked outside to find some adventure, but found nothing. He sat on a log for a moment, before sighing once again. "My life has no meaning..." He mumbled sadly. He heard a Vulpix nearby, and looked around. "Probably just my imagination." Harry got up and looked around, seeing nothing. He put his hands in his pockets and walked home.

Harry stared out his window sadly at home, watching the Pokémon go by happily. Before he closed the blinds, he saw a Vulpix looking at him. He opened them, to see no Vulpix. He groaned. "I'm seeing stuff now. I'm going crazy." He said to himself.

He woke up, and saw a Vulpix right next him. He screamed, and fell off of the bed. " am I so...whew...why is it there?" He asked, kinda out of breath. He looked up, and there was once again no Vulpix. "I"M GOING INSANE!" He yelled. "I'll just get some coffee to wake myself up, and get rid of that Vulpix in my mind." He said, getting up from the side of the bed and going to the kitchen.

He made some coffee and turned around to see the Vulpix. "AH!" He yelled, dropping the cup. It smashed on the floor. "Why are you here?" He asked calmly. "WHY?" The Vulpix walked towards him. "No!" He yelled, walking backwards but slipping on the coffee. He hit his head on the counter and went unconscious.

Harry groaned as he woke up, rubbing his head. He looks up and yells, as he sees the Vulpix. He holds onto the counter to try and get up, but fails. The Vulpix walks up to Harry and smiles as it puts its paw on him. "You want meaning? I'll give you meaning." It says. Harry fells warmth go through his body. "What are you doing to me?" He says, as the changes begin to his body.

His feet became 3-toed paws, and cream fur covered them. His legs reshaped to become a quadruped's hind legs, and the fur continued to crawl up his body. At his crotch, Harry felt certain...organs...retract into his body, making him female, and at the back, 9 tails tipped with orange fur at the ends grew from his, or now her, body. As the fur crept up Harry's stomach, her organs shifted into different positions. Her arms became front legs of a quadruped and her hands became 3-toed paws. Breasts grew on her, inflating to D-cup breasts. A mane of cream fur grew on her neck that extended down to her new breasts. Her face pushed into a long muzzle as the nose became a small, black snout. Her eyes became completely red, and her ears moved further up her head and became more triangular as they grew bigger. A long tuft of cream fur grew between her ears, completing Harry's transformation into a Ninetales.

Harry got up moments later, and looked at the Vulpix. "You wanted a meaning, so I gave you a meaning." It said, smiling. Harry hesitated, but smiled shortly after. "Let's go, mom." The Vulpix said. Harry, who got rid of her old name completely, headed outside with her new Vulpix child, eventually forgetting almost all of her old life entirely.

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