The Fire Experiment #24 [Vulpix & Ninetales TF]

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Subject #172 & #173

Name(s): Joan & Karen

Result: Successful

"Mom, I'm scared..." Joan mumbled to her mother, Karen. Joan was 7 year old female, with 2 brothers and a father, all in the same house. "Don't worry. I'm sure we'll be fine, Joan." Karen replied, hugging Joan closely. A man dressed in a white lab coat came into the room. "Fire Experiment #24, two subjects." He quietly said to another man in the same outfit. "Take note of what happens starting when I inject the needle." The man behind him nodded and closed the door.

"You'll let us go after this, r-right?" Joan asked, obviously scared. Her eyes darted around the room, looking at nearly everything. "Yes. We just need a quick injection and this will all be done with." The man  said. "Hold your arm out please, Joan." Joan hesitantly held her arm out. The man injected the needle and she screamed. Karen sat her down on the floor. "After the results are done with her, you're next, Karen. Alright?" The man asked Karen. Karen nodded, and the man walked out of the room and shut the door behind him.

"Mom...I feel hot..." Joan mumbled. "What is this? What did you inject into her?!" She screamed at the window where the two men were watching. Karen carefully laid Joan down on the floor and watched as the changes began. "Her ears..." Karen muttered, her eyes fixed on her child. "WHAT IS THIS?! YOU PEOPLE ARE SICK!!" Karen once again screamed at the window. "YOU'RE ALL SICK!" Joan's ears had moved farther up her head and grew a bit larger than they were before. Light brown fur covered the ears. Orange fur grew on the top of her head, and looped at the back in three separate loops. Her eyes turned into a complete gray and brown color, and her nose shrunk slightly and turned into a snout. Her face pushed outwards into a muzzle, as brown fur covered her head. The changes to her head were done, and the changes were now lowering.

From her chest to the bottom of her belly, cream fur grew. Joan lost quite a few pounds, stopping at just over 20 pounds. "Vu..." Joan mumbled quietly. Karen gasped. "Pokémon." She said. "Pokémon...they're turning people into Pokémon!" She looked at the two men angrily, before crouching down and watching her daughter as the changes continued on. Joan shrunk to only 2 feet tall, and Karen carefully took her out of her clothes, and when Karen set her down on the pile of her clothes, fur had covered her completely. The rest of the uncovered skin was now covered with brown fur. Her hands and feet became 3-toed paws and her legs reshaped to fit back legs of a quadruped, and for the final change, six tails covered with orange fur grew from her back, all looping at the ends. The middle two were the longest, and the farthest two were the shortest. Joan had been turned into a Vulpix.

"YOU'RE ALL SICK!" Karen screamed. The man came back in with a new syringe. "Hold out your arm, Karen." He said calmly. "NO!" Karen screamed, punching the man hard in the face. The man was thrown to the floor, and stabbed the syringe in her leg, and injected the orange liquid in. Karen screamed in pain. The man quickly got up and ran out of the room as the other man closed the door.

This time, the changes went from the legs up for Karen. Her feet became 3-toed paws covered with bright yellow fur. Her legs reshaped to fit those of a quadruped. Karen lost weight to the point where she was only about 44 pounds. Her body didn't change much, except for growing the same color fur, and she grew 9 tails, each one having orange fur at the end instead of the bright yellow like the rest of the tail. A small mane grew around her neck, the same bright yellow as the rest of the fur on her body. She shrunk to about 3 and a half feet, and the changes started happening to her head. Before the changes continued, Karen quickly crawled out of her clothes.

Karen's voice box changed entirely as the bright yellow fur crawled up her neck. Her nose turned into a small, black snout, and her face pushed outwards into a long muzzle. Her eyes turned completely bright red, and her ears moved farther up her head and grew into a point. For the final change, on the top of Karen's head, a bit of fur grew between her now larger ears. Karen had been turned into a Ninetales.

After a couple minutes, Joan, who was still sleeping on a pile of clothes in the middle of the room woke up. Karen ran over to her and hugged her tightly. "Let them go?" The man who had controlled the door asked. "No, let's keep them for a day...maybe a week. If everything goes alright, then let them go." The first man said, looking at the Ninetales and Vulpix huddled in the center of the room.

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