Dance Teacher

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You are the dancing queeeeen ♫

Hi, guys! Look who brought you a new oneshot! It's not very good, but I thought of this and liked the idea, and since I had some time on my hands, I decided to write it.

I hope you all enjoy this chapter. And thank you to everyone who is still here despite the fact that I won't be updating on Wattpad regularly anymore. I love you all <3

(Isn't that the best Gif ever?)


''Milk. Don't forget the milk,'' you muttered to yourself as you walked through the aisles of the supermarket. 

You hummed along to the radio as you put everything you needed in the cart. As you reached the aisle containing the sweets, you spotted a tall man in front of the biscuits. His dark hair and glistening eyes instantly caught your attention and you subconsciously licked your lips. 

Taking a deep breath, you summed up all your courage and pushed your cart towards him, trailing behind with a kind smile on your face. ''Excuse me,'' you said. 

He turned towards you, immediately copying your expression. ''Can I help you with something?'' 

A blush crept up your neck at hearing his low, smooth voice. You felt your hands starting to shake as nerves struck you. Though, you shrugged it off and kept smiling. ''Yes, actually,'' you giggled, mentally cringing at the bubbly tone of your own voice. ''I was wondering if you could hand me those biscuits you're standing in front of.'' 

His gaze shifted between you and the biscuits before he caught on to what you were saying. ''Oh!'' he exclaimed. ''Yes, of course. Here you go.'' He handed them to you and you took them from him, fingers brushing slightly. 

''Thank you,'' you smiled. 

''No problem.'' He hesitated for a second. ''What's your name?'' 

''(Y/F/N). Yours?'' 

''Jake Geller,'' he answered. 

''Well, it's nice to meet you, Jake. Thank you for the biscuits,'' you smiled. 

He laughed lightly. ''No problem. It's good to meet you, too.'' 

You stood there for a few more seconds, looking at each other in an awkward silence. ''Well, I should go,'' you announced, biting your lip. 

''Yes, yes, of course! Me, too.'' 

You nodded. ''Bye then.'' You pushed your cart past him and began to walk away, scolding yourself for being so awkward and dull. You knew you were bad at flirting and making conversation. Yet, you just had to try and embarrass yourself in front of an incredibly hot guy. Again. 

You turned the corner, heading to the cash register, when you felt someone place their hand on your shoulder, making you jump. 

''I forgot to ask you something,'' Jake smiled. 

Your eyes instantly lit up, forgetting what you were doing. ''Oh?'' 

He chuckled. ''I was wondering if you would like to go out with me soon?'' 

You breathed in sharply, trying to maintain a casual expression. ''Sure, that sounds nice.'' 

''Great! Here's my number.'' He handed you a card. 

''Oh, you're a dance teacher.'' 

He nodded. ''Yeah, I am. Perhaps you could step by soon and we'll... dance and hang out.'' 

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