Chapter 5

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The bear didn't chase us long. Arthur and I hid in the boulders silently watching the bear head towards our camp and sits inside Alec's tent just doing nothing. It kept looking at its paws and stomach like it was confused.

"What do we do?" Arthur asked. "Can't you scare it off?" I watched more. I'd never seen this bear inside the tree before.

"I think it's... Alec." I jumped over the boulders. "He's always been interested in spirit guides. Which, if you didn't know, are always some sort of animal. I've tried to figure mine out but it's not showing. I guessed his was a grizzly bear. Seems I was right." Arthur hesitates to follow me but mutters curse words as he does.

"How do you know it's him?"

"He's excited about his paws." I walk closer. "Alec!" The bear looks up with a grunt. He puts his paws into the air growling happily. "Told you." Arthur and I sit across from Alec's bear, laughing.

"Where'd you leave the book and the toilet paper" I ask. He points a paw to his right towards the forest. "Thanks." I head off alone snatching the book, Alec's clothes, and toilet paper when the breeze stilled completely. The air was cold around me. I took hardly a step and a large branch fell scratching my leg.

"Arthu-aah!" Something grabbed me by my hair pulling me up the tree. I stared up at where the thing would've been before it dropped me from tremendous night. "Arthuuur!" I screamed closing my eyes. I didn't hit the ground. I hit something... soft. My eyes flicked open and all I saw was red scales. A dragon...

"My name is Flarehshag. You are Emrys, are you not?" Her humongous blood red head turned to me, yellow eyes piercing through her scales.

"I-i am." She swooped low landing in the water and towering over Alec's bear and Arthur. She bends letting me slide off her side.

"I protect the sword and all who wish to do good with it. What attacked you was a powerful spirit trying to break free from the other side. She knows Arthur is alive and wishes to kill you and him."

I look to Arthur. He crosses his arms and I look back."She? As in Morgana?"

"Most likely... I live in a hidden fortress I cannot say where. You should come."

"I can't leave Albion. It's my destiny to protect it and Arthur." Flarehshag settles into the lake. "Surely you understand."

"I do. I shall stay here, with the last Dragon Lord and his King. Hello Arthur." She nods to him.

"Hello." I watch her open her claw revealing Excalibur. Arthur reached out for it when she enclosed it again.

"When the time is right you will hold it in your hands once more. For now you must go back to that cottage of yours. I will be here where people cannot see me." 

Flarehshag helped get Alec back to normal so the three of us guys could pack what was left and head back to the cottage. Well it turns out Kilgharrah and Aithusa weren't the last of their kind... She picked at her scales as we packed the tents, most likely getting the twigs and leaves from in between them. I halted my work and let the other two finish up so I can speak to the red dragon.

"Since Aithusa and Kilgharrah are gone does this make you the last dragon?" She looked up from her picking with a low growl in her chest.

"If there is a dragonlord there will always be dragons. Me? I'm the only one that is hatched."

"So there is another dragonlord that released you?"

"No. I was born long before you. Just because others did not live more than a mere thousand years doesn't mean I can't change that." She puffed her nostrils. "I never met Kilgharrah, or the young Aithusa, but I've heard of them from the lady of the lake."

"Freya. I don't know what happened to her. I came back sometime during the twenties and she never answered to me."

"She died. That is why I have the sword." She spoke flicking Excalibur in her palm. I nodded. Something about this dragon wasn't right. She was too persuasive towards us, quick with her words like she was told what to say before hand. Why doesn't she want Arthur to have the sword? If she protects it and knows Arthur and I would as we'll then why..?
I walk beside Arthur back home anyway, ignoring the grumbling cackle coming from behind us. Alec had passed out on the dining room floor as soon as he stepped inside the door. Arthur stretched out on the couch patting by his side for me to lay next to him. I did so enjoying some quiet rather than frogs and crickets.

"You haven't kissed me today..." Arthur muttered into my hair. I look up to his face. He looked exhausted.

"I'm just thinking." His lips grew to a smile.

"Don't think too hard, now I don't want you to fry your brain." I kissed him, not just to shut him up but to remind him that I love him. He moved until we were aligned perfectly on the couch, my legs around his hips. Arthur's fingers traced my spine, his other hand on my leg as we grinned into each others kiss. I pull back with a smiling face.

"What?" He asks.


I awoke to Alec and Arthur singing.

"-More than a feelin'!"

"More than a feeling!"

"When I hear that old song they use-"

"Shut up!!" I screech throwing a couch pillow at them and covering my head under another. I could feel Arthur's arms snaking around my waist. "Don't."

"Mer-lin." He pulled me from the sofa into the air spinning me around. "Good morning, my love!"

"Agh, it isn't a good morning at all with this racket." I his my face from the brightness of the light in the crook of Arthur's neck. Alec laughed as Arthur had me dancing in his arms.

"So, what do you want for breakfast?"

If you're wondering what Flarehshag looks like she's larger than Kilgharrah, covered in spikes, and has three horns on each side of her head.

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