Chapter 11

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Two days later

I stared into the mirror. Arthur was in the shower. Alec was outside still practicing his shape shifting.



"Should I shave?" He peaked his head out of the shower curtain.

"Do you want to?"

I nodded and leant against the sink. Being back at the cottage made everything better. Arthur shut the water off and stepped out. I took the strait razor and shaving cream out. "I'm naming them today." Arthur snapped his head towards me. "The black egg is something powerful. The white one I think is dead but I'm willing to try." I scraped the blade down my cheek. "It doesn't feel like it has any sort of power like the other three."

"Don't worry about either eggs. I'm sure it's perfectly fine."

I finished my face. Glaedryus and Arethcarn had torn up the couch by the time I had come out of the bathroom. Arthur was running around with Arethcarn in one arm and trying to grab Glaedryus with the other. "Glaedryus! God damn it dragon." He set the calm brown hatchling on the counter to attempt to catch the green one.

"Glaedryus." I said calmly. The green dragon skidded across the linoleum into the pantry causing aloud crash. "Don't chase him, Arthur. He's already more hyper than you and Alec combined."

"Not nice, dude." Alec said from the kitchen.

"When did you get back in?" I ask walking down the basement stairs for the eggs.

"Well I figured out I can talk while a bear. It was so funny I fell out of my tree." I slugged the two eggs upstairs and placed them on the disheveled couch. I stared at the white egg. What if it comes out like Aithusa? White egg must mean white dragon... I sighed and sat in the chair opposite the eggs.

"I'm ready." I stared at the almost dead feeling egg. "Ladeilan." I lean towards the egg. Nothing was happening. "Ladeilan?" I tapped it. Oh no... The egg hadn't responded in any way. It must be dead. I hand the egg to Arthur. "It's dead. I'll take it to Flarehshag and tell her none of them were alive." I pull him along with me towards the lake.

"And this one as proof?"

"Precisely." I took his hand as we went through the tree. I took the white egg from his hands. "Don't speak."  He followed me onto the shore of the lake. "Flarehshag!"

The trees shook as the gigantic red dragon flew down into the water. "What do you want?" She spotted the egg in my hand. "Is that-"

"They're all dead. I tried all three of the eggs." She shook her head.

"No. No!" She ground quaked as she stomped around. "Give it to me. Please!" I hesitantly pushed the egg into her claw. She held it to her chest and sunk into the water. "Where are the others?"

"Back in their rightful places." Her head hung in, not sadness, more like guilt or anger.

"Very well. Leave me." Arthur and I left, silent until we passed through the tree.

"She didn't sound the least bit saddened by anything you said." Arthur commented. "Are you still going to name the black one?"

"Well, since the white one hadn't hatched I doubt the other will." I pushed he door open to Alec already asleep with the two young dragons surrounding him. "It's not even noon..."

Finally; (Merthur) Arthur's Resurection AUWhere stories live. Discover now