Chapter 13

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Guess what guys!? From this point on there will be Arthur POV's (though there's like, only two chapters left, I know, sad) including this one! Arthur's POV is only a snippet though.


Alec was packed an ready to go. He told us he's to visit his mother and sister in California. That means Arthur and I were to be left alone with rowdy Glaedryus and sassy Arethcarn. I had left him at the airport yesterday, him most likely in San Francisco by now. I turn in my seat on the couch to watch Arthur help Glaedryus with his speech impediment.

"Foooood, food. Glaedryus, focus on Father."


"He's never going to learn is he?" Arethcarn spoke from under the coffee table.

"He's unfocused and doesn't read like you do." He huffed and went back to his book.

"Go show Daddy." I heard Arthur say. I smiled as Glaedryus hobbled over to me tripping over his tail.

"M-may I have some food?"

"Please..." Arthur reminded.

"May I have some food, please?" I grin wide. My eyes scan the room for where I set my unfinished breakfast down. He bounced impatiently as I handed over my plate of waffles.

"Your speech is getting better, Gladdy."

"I know. I so e'cited!" He gobbled up the waffles getting syrup all over his scales and the floor. "Ooh!" He said in excitement. "I be back! I ' member somfing I got for you and daddy!" He says to Arthur before bobbing down the stairs to the basement and hopping back up with a large paper. He took the sticky paper from his jaw and smacked it into Arthur's hands. "Is you, Daddy, unka Al, Arty, Bozi, and me! Is good right?"

Arthur pat his head passing the paper to me. The scribbled figures of all seemed to dance on the page. Quite literally really. "It is good... Did you use magic?"

"Bozi did it for me. She makes thing move a lot." Arthur and I look to each other.

"Arethcarn did you know about this?"

"... Maybe." The brown dragon curled into a ball as I stood abruptly.

"Arthur, if you wouldn't mind while I talk to Brozik to get more wood for the fireplace?" I stormed off to Brozik's room her jumping up and bumping her head.


"Why didn't you tell me your magic was working?" I blurt. She pauses standing on her back legs. "I'm raising you, you have no need to hide things from me." Brozik fell onto all fours, her big head falling by my feet.

"It's so powerful, Dad. I'm scared of it. I wanted to tell you and Father but I'm worried."

"Worried about what? Tell me what's bothering you."

"The pale woman in black. She's in my dreams, and-and she hates you." I was frozen. Why is Brozik seeing her? Why now?

Finally; (Merthur) Arthur's Resurection AUWhere stories live. Discover now