Chapter 2- "A Chance"

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Pokemon. The world that exists outside, just beyond my reach. I've heard stories of those who have had a chance to experience the joys of Pokemon. How they traveled across the region, defeating one gym after another. Then they go to the Elite Four to challenge the best of Hoenn, with a desire to defeat the Champion and become the best in the region. Of course, that wish is highly unlikely to fulfill since the current Champion Steven has been undefeated for seven years straight. 

I am of course one of those who dream of the outside world. The only exception for me is, I'm not permitted to venture out there. I am 15 year old Dream Kingsly. The girl whose parents are fearful of Pokemon ever since they both suffered major injuries when they were younger. Mother has found the courage to tell me the story of her accident, but Father chooses to remain silent about it. 

When Mother was younger, around 14 years of age, she was swimming with her parents at the ocean. When a large waved rolled in. When it retracted, it dragged Mother out further into the ocean with it. Very far, I should add. The people at the beach were mere specks to her. But she was not afraid. She began to tread through the water, back to the sea shore. What Mother did not know, a Sharpedo was stalking her movements under the water. When all of sudden, the shark pokemon soared through the water and chomped at my Mother's right arm. Her parents came to her aid, and, luckily, the effects were not severe. All that were left behind were a few teeth marks. 

My Father's story was not made clear. All I know is there is a severe burn on his left leg and that the accident happened a couple of years before I was born, around 17 years ago. But, he often took that pain out on me. If I even mention the word 'Pokemon', father's fist would clench and hurl at my face. 

Many times I have tried to get him to allow me to leave and find my own adventure, nevertheless, it just made him all the more angry. 

But, "Today's the day." I say, throwing clothes and other supplies into my backpack. I rush across the room, pass Shuppet who is intently watching, and grab another pile of clothes. I stuff the clothes into the backpack. "Shuppet, you and I are going to leave this hellhole and finally experience the world." I hurl the backpack around my shoulders. I then grab a hair band, wrap my hair into a ponytail and tie it tight. "Come on, let's go." I gesture Shuppet to follow me. I quietly open the door and tip-toe out my bedroom. 

"Dad can't hear us." Shuppet simply nods and floats by as I sneak across the newly polished wooden floor. I creep around the corner and see the window. I make an about-face and place my index fingers to my lips, telling Shuppet to be as quiet as possible. 

Before I knew anything, I came crashing down and my face made a harsh impact on the floor. The polished floor! I slipped! Crap! I look at my surroundings. Crap! The cream-colored nightstand that was positioned by the wall collapsed with me. "Dream?" Dad screams from the living room. I scramble to my feet, but keep slipping due to the polished floor. "Dream!" I hear his footsteps climbing up the stairs. 

"Shuppet! Let's go!" I dash to the window. If Dad caught me, who knows what he would do. And seen with a Pokemon! The affects would be catastrophic. I thrust the window open and struggle to get out. I peer back into the house where I see Dad turning the corner. He was a large, bald man with a threatening goatee. His green eyes flaring, staring into mine and burning me away.

My heart stops when I notice that my dark jacket has caught onto a broken piece of wood outside the house. Could this mean my doom? I look back and see my father stomping towards us. I finally free myself from the piece of wood and rush away.

"Dream!" He shouts in his throaty voice. "Is that a Pokemon!?" I glance at Shuppet then back to Dad. He stomps towards the window. "Oh, you're gonna get it now!" I pull the rest of my body out of the window. I bolt across the branch and hug the base of the tree. I slide down to the bottom and end up onto the Earth. Without any hesitation, I zoom across the yard. 

I never look back, but I still hear Dad screaming my name. "Dream! You get back here now!" Shuppet flies ahead of me and we race into the woods. We live in an isolated, wooded area. I would expect Dad didn't want to have anybody 'suspect' him of bringing me harm. 

We never stop running. Not for the branches slapping us in the face, not for the roaring Pokemon, not for anything. Our destination is the Pokemon Lab at Littleroot Town. There would be Professor Birch my only hope. My only chance of freedom.

Shuppet and I scramble the trees, dodging branches at our faces and boulders at our feet. Well, my feet, I should say. Soon enough, we come upon a trail. "Where does this lead to?" I say. I lash out the map I had packed. I run my finger across the paper-like material, searching for my current position. "Aha! Littleroot is off East." I look left and right desperately searching for the right direction. 

The sun is blazing hot and I am beginning to sweat. It was around noon and the sun was just over head. "East should be..." I take one more look around. "That way," I say pointing in a certain direction, and thus we follow the trail. 

About ten minutes of keeping my head at my feet pass when Shuppet says, "Shup!" She nudges me forward. I gaze in that direction and see a small town, at most 5 households. It is surrounded by lovely meadows and gardens. And don't confuse it with only flower gardens. Don't get me wrong, there were plenty of those, but there were other types of gardens too. Rock gardens, vegetable gardens, landscape gardens, and a heck of a lot more. 

"We're here, Shuppet. We're finally here!"

 Then I see it. The brick building that may contain my one and only hope. There it was, the Pokemon Lab. 


And there it is! A new chapter!

I really hoped you liked this one as much as I did! I mean, Dream finally got away and is about to start her own adventure!

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Thanks for reading, bye!

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