Chapter 20- "Rematch"

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A sudden voice bursts into the bedroom without the slightest warning yelling, "GET UP! GET UP, YOU LAZY ARSES!" My eyes barley open in time to see Terry gathering all our stuff. Terry notices my waking up and says, "MY PARENTS CAME HOME EARLY! IF YOU DON'T GET OUT NOW, THEY'LL BEAT BOTH ME AND YOU! NOW GET OUT!" Terry hurls my things at me and races out of the room.

I sit up and see Runner leaping out of bed frequently saying, "Oh shit!" I scurry through my things, trying to find Banette's Pokeball. Surprisingly, she's been in deep slumber during all this raucous. I eventually find the capsule and let her in. 

Runner and I desperately gather our things and run out the bedroom. Terry stands near the stairwell and glances at us. "I'll hold off my parents, my brother'll show you the back way out," he tells us before darting down the stairs. We both turn around and see Taillow Boy standing there. "Come on," he says. The boy and runs off down the opposite end of the hall and we follow. 

The boy runs into a lone room. Inside was nothing but cob webs and sliding glass doors. Taillow boy opens the door and runs out. "It's right down here." Runner and I dart out the door onto the wooden porch. Taillow boy points down some steps that leads into a large yard. "Just keep running," Taillow boy tells us. "and it'll lead you straight to the inner city." 

Runner turns around and says, "Thank you." And then we just blast off at the speed of light.


We eventually reach the city of Mauville and things are just as hectic as last time.

While walking through the streets, I hear a large yawn come from my side. Looking over, I see Runner stretching his arms behind his head and violently yawning. "Well," he tells me once he puts his arms down. "What now?" I look back down to the ground and shrug. Runner sighs. "How about we go challenge Aura again?" 

I ponder for a few moments. The question was indeed sudden, but I should consider it. "Afterall, your Shuppet evolved which should be able to give you an advantage," Runner tells me.

"Sure, why not."

"Which way is the gym again?" 

With a light chuckle, I grab his arm and we dart off. Pushing past person after person, Runner and I eventually find our way to the break of the city where Aura's gym stands. I glance back to Runner and we focus on each other's eyes. Reading his pupils, I know he's thinking exactly what I'm thinking. 

As fast as a Manetric, he and I run to the entrance of the gym and go down the same stone hallway, we are blinded by the same flickering light at the end of the path and we enter the same room as before. Nevertheless, there is a differentiation from our previous visit. Last time, the seats were filled with unending roars of people. Tension could be felt from all around the room, no matter where you were. 

Now, the gym was calm and tranquil. Runner and I find ourselves trudging further into the room. The place was strikingly desolate. A pin could drop and be as loud as fireworks booming.

My thoughts are interrupted when a loud clicking noise, of which sound like heels hitting the floor, echo through the room. I glance left and right until I see a woman, faded out in the dim light, walking towards us, seemingly carrying a suitcase. "Do I recognize you?" she says. The woman steps back into the light and reveals the woman's features. The woman has flowing brown hair, a light tan overcoat with a waistcoat of the same color, and a pair of gray paints complete with dark-brown boots. The woman's eyes display a feeling of curiosity in them. 

Before I can speak, the woman shouts, "Oh, wait! I remember you! You were the challenger with the Shuppet!" Soon enough, I recognize her as well. It was the Gym Leader: Aura. "Dream, was it?" She asks.

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