Chapter 11- "Cold and Alone"

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I walk out of the Pokemon Center, putting Shuppet's and Sableye's Pokeballs back into my bag. I look back and forth, searching for the Gym. I finally spot it and run towards it. I stand outside the door, just staring. 

This is going to be our second badge, I think as a small smile grows on my face. I begins walking in slowly as the automatic doors slide open for me. As I step in, I am instantly bolasted with a sudden burst of freezing air. I rub my arms when the doors behind me close. 

I look inside and there is a large empty room, filled with light blue mist. I stand at the edge of the wall of mist. I reach my arm back when something startles me. "Hello there," a voice says with a cold and dark tone. The mist instantly retracts and one man is revealed. He stands there, little to no movements and next to no expression on his face, still as an iceberg, only swaying every now and then. His piercing blue eyes stares into mine.  "You must be a challenger," he says as he holds up a Pokeball. 

"And you must be Victor, the Gym Leader."

A simple chuckle is all that comes from his voice. "Not only that. I can am also a Pokemon Whisper. I can tell you the past of your Pokemon. What they are thinking, what they think of their trainer. I can tell you."

"No need for that," I say, grabbing and tightly clutching Sableye's Pokeball. "I came here for one reason and one reason only, for your Gym Badge." I bring Sableye's Pokeball to my lips and slightly whisper, "Okay Sableye. This is your first battle. Let's hope this works." I launch his Pokeball out into the battlefield and my recently caught Pokemon is revealed. 

Victor grins and says, "Tell me trainer. What number Gym Badge are you looking for?" 

"If I win this...when I win this, your badge will be my second."

"We'll see, trainer." Victor tosses his Pokeball out into the field and a small, floating Pokemon is unveiled when the red light retracts. It had a snow-cone resemblance with a blank expression and an idiotic smile, as if it had been in a dazed a illusion for ours. I pull out the Pokedex and scan the Ice Pokemon. The result came up as "Vanillite."

"Your Sableye."


"Your has a...a somewhat interesting past. I can sense it."

"Wha-what are you talking about?" 

Victor pauses a moment as he peers to the ground. "Your Sableye was part of a of 6 other Sableyes." He takes a moment. "But days past and he watched as his brothers and sisters were caught by caring trainers, while he was left there to rot in the cold, all alone...that's why it wanted you to catch it. So it could be like it's siblings." 

I stand there for what felt like hours. That's why Sableye took my Pokeball. It wanted to be like its siblings. "Is that true, Sableye?" I wait for a response for my new and lost Pokemon. He turns around and stares at me with his gem-eyes. Then he nods. I sigh. Then a find myself with a broad smile. "That only makes you all the more interesting, Sableye! Now, let's beat this guy! Hit that Vanillite with Fury Swipes!" Large shimmering claws grow from Sableye's finger tips. It jumps onto the Ice Cream Pokemon and begins to slice it. 

"Vanillite! Use Icy Wind to get it off you!" A blast of cold wind is fired from Vanillite's mouth. Sabelye  keeps a hold of Vanillite, refusing to let go, thus the Icy Wind continues to blast at it's face.

"Sableye! Get out of there!" Sableye takes one look at me and back flips off Victor's Pokemon. As soon as it lands on the ground, Sableye takes a knee. Crap, I think to myself, teeth gritted and fists clutched. That Icy Wind must have done damage. "Alright Sableye, don't let that Icy Wind get you down! Not on your first battle! Try Astonish!" Sableye rises and clenches it's fists. They both darken and grow black like a night sky. He charges like a bullet towards Vanillite until Victor says with a calm town, "Icy Wind, Vanillite." 

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