Chapter 9- "Departure and a Delivery"

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Runner and I exit the Gym, happy as can be. "Can I see it?" Runner says, extending his open palm. I pull out the badge given to me by Isley and plop it into his hand. Carefully and closely, he examines it and grins. "This is so exciting, Dream! Your first Gym Badge! Who knows! Maybe you'll become Hoenn's next Champion!" 

I smile as I snatch back the badge and put it back in my pocket. "So," Runner continues. "Whaddya say we go recharge your Pokemon?" He points to the nearby Pokemon Center. 

I nod. "Sounds good."

The automatic sliding glass doors open up and we walk in. The Pokemon Center is definitely more crowded than the one we saw in Odale Town. There were people sitting on the couches, chatting up a storm. People at the shop in the corner of the Center, buying as many items as they can carry. There were people trying on new clothes in the dressing rooms (mostly teenage girls), seeing how good their butt looks in the mirrors with those yoga pants on. In my opinion? Revolting. 

We walk up to Nurse Joy and I hand her my Pokeball. "Hi! Can I have my Shuppet healed?" She grins. "Of course, it will take a few minutes though. I suggest you check out the shop to kill time." Joy takes Shuppet's Pokeball and exits into the back door. 

I eagerly rush to the shop and wave Runner over. "Come on, Runner!" He simply chuckles and slowly struts over. I look at the list of items, seeing what I need to buy. 

I hear Runner whisper over my shoulder, "You clearly need a Badge holder for your badges. You can't just be walking around with them in your pockets." He's right. "I'll pay." We are handed a badge case and Runner pays the man. I open the rectangular case and place in the Poison Badge given to me by Isley. 

"Wait a minute," a man's voice says. I look up and see the clerk peering curiously at me and my badge. "You were the challenger who beat Isley, weren't you?" I hesitate for a short moment, but soon nod. His face instantly lights up. "It's such an honor to meet you!" The clerk takes my hand and shakes it vigorously. "You do realize you are the first person to defeat Isley in over one year, right?"

"N-no. I didn't know that." That's why she stomped off after I defeated her. 

"My son tried challenging her today. He was trying to get his 8th badge, but lost to her Drapion. He challenged her with his Sceptile, Weavile, and Shiftry. That was brutal."

I lean back to Runner and whisper, "That must have been the boy that challenged her before me." That fight seemed brutal from what I saw. The Sceptile didn't stand a chance. 

"Well," the clerk continues. "It was pleasure to meet you! Have a nice day!" We flash him one final smile goodbye before we return to Nurse Joy. 

She notices us and pulls ot my Pokeball. "Your Shuppet is all good and healed." 

"Thank you!" I say exiting the Pokemon Center. 

"Come back again!" Just as we leave the Center, I am completely overwhelmed and surprised. Why? Because hoards of people came running towards me cheering for me. Many were screaming, "Look! It's the girl that beat Isley!" or "YOU ARE THE BEST!" You may be wondering why I am overwhelmed by this. I mean, after all, I should be happy from all this popularity for beating the undefeated Gym Leader. Well, living isolated in a home with abusive parents doesn't exactly make you the most estatic when receiving attention.

Soon, after a girl around 13 years of age stepped up and asked, "Can I see your Shuppet? The one that defeat Isley?" I smile and nod. I pull out Shuppet's, toss it in the air, and release my Pokemon. So many girls and boys grab the unprepared Shuppet from the air and begin hugging it. "Be careful with Shuppet," I warn them. "It can hurt you." 

They continue to rip Shuppet from each other's hands, but I can see that Shuppet is in distress. When one boy takes Shuppet from a girl, my Pokemon disappears into midair. Then she reappears right by my side and conceals herself behind me. "Sorry, Shuppet doesn't want to play." 

I feel a poke at my shoulder. I look over and see Runner staring off to nothing. "Runner, what's wrong." 

"Look," he commands, pointing over the crowd. I get on my tip-toes and search. Then I see Akira frantically waving his arms and calling for us. Runner pulls my arm and we push our way through th people, until we reach Akira in the back of the swarm of people. I return Shuppet into her Pokeball.

"Uncle Akira? What's wrong." He seemed out of the breath and was carrying a small package. "What's that, Uncle?" Runner says pointing to the package.

Akira moves his attention to the package. He would take a breath in-between every few to catch it.  "Oh...this...this isn't for you. Runner....Runner we got...well, I got...a report...on your Father. Someone saw"

"At where!?" Runner shouts to him. 

" Mauville City..." 

"Mauville City!? I got to get there right now!" 

Akira stands up straight and seems to have finally caught his breath. "There's a boat that leaves for the city that leaves in 5 minutes. You better hurry. You can buy a ticket at the dock when you head up north." He points to the seashore where there is a long dock. 

Runner turns to me. "Dream. I'm going to have to leave. You know how important this is for me. I need to find my father."

I make a weak grin. "I understand. I'll continue on my own." I pat him on the shoulder. "Go find your father.

He smiles and turns back to Akira. "When's the boat leaving?" Akira rechecks his watch. "3 minutes" He reaches into his pocket and pulls out some money. He plops it in Runner's hand. "Here's for the fare. Go!" 

"Right!" He darts off to the North. He turns around and says one final goodbye. "Goodbey, Dream!" He waves his arm and runs off until he can no longer be seen.

"As for you, Dream," I hear Akira say, thus I spin to him. "I have a special request for you. As you know, I am a well-known artist, and many people ask for requests everyday. Well, I recieved one from a very special man named Steven, the Champion of Hoenn."

"Yes," I reply. "I know him." He's been the Champion of Hoenn for 3 years and he specializes in Steel Types, and his Metagtoss is savage and vicious. 

"He ordered this." He hands me the small package wrapped in brown paper and tied with small string. "I know you wish to challege all the Gyms in Hoenn and the nearsest Gym is in Dewford Town. That's where Steven is and he told me to deliver this to him there. But since I know you would probably go there to face the next Gym, I was thinking can you deliver this to the Champion in my place? It would mean the world."

I stare at the package for a few moments. "What is it?" I ask Akira.

"Not for your prying eyes. So, can you help?"

I smile and share it with a slight chuckle. "Glad to. Akira?"


"Can you tell me what the Gym Leader in Dewford is like?"

"His name is Victor and he has some strenous Ice-Type Pokemon. I think for 2nd Badge, he uses a Vanillite and two other Pokemon that I can't seem to remember."

"That's fine. I can handle it. I'll deliver this package with ease, don't you worry." 

"Oh! I almost forgot!" You can practically see the light bulb flash above Akira's head. "You're going to need to take a ferry there, so..." he reaches into his pocket and pulls out some more money. "here's the money for the fee." He hands me the money and says, "Thank you Dream." 


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In case you're wondering, Runner will return eventually. So no need to worry about him! And we will be meeting Steven very soon, so you can hold onto your butts about that.

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Thanks for reading, bye!

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