Chapter 3- "Good Luck"

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Before I begin this chapter, I just wanted to make something clear. For this story, the gym leaders are going to be different. There are going to be new gym leaders, new types, new pokemon. New everything.

Don't ask why, it just is.

Enjoy the new chapter!


There it is, my salvation. The Pokemon Lab. Shuppet and I roll down the hill and end up at the edge of Littleroot. After a bit of walking around, we eventually find the Lab. We open the door and are met with a blast of cool air. I would expect so, this has been the hottest day in YEARS. Everybody probably had their air-conditioners up full-blast. 

I step in and am overwhelmed by the gadgets and gizmos that surround me. I couldn't tell you what was in there. Literally, I couldn't. I had no idea what anything was. There's things attached to other things, things attached to tubes that lead to the ceiling, mechanisms filled with green bubbling liquid, computers with so many wires that I couldn't even count them. 

But anyway, I enter and, at a snail's pace, I stroll through the lab. To my left, I see a woman with flowing blue hair, wearing a white lab coat, typing away on one of those computers I mentioned earlier. Her swivel chair turns around to face me, but she does not notice my presence. She's simply flipping through papers on her clipboard. 

When she does gain awareness of mine being there, she merely glances at me, shoots a small smile, spins back to the computer, and starts type like there's no tomorrow. I did catch a small glimpse of her. On her lab coat, the word Jennifer was sewed in with blue thread. That must be her name. 

Cautiously, I walk to her. "Jennifer?" I ask, tapping her shoulder. Without breaking attention from the screen or losing pace on the keyboard, the woman says, "Yes?"

"I'm...uh...I'm looking for Professor Birch. Is he around?" 

"Back their with another child." 

I peek to my left and see a man and a young boy talking while standing in front of a glass tube. They appear to be whispering about what was ever in that glass tube. I make my way towards them, Shuppet not far behind me. I begin to hear their conversation. "And finally, that ball belongs to Torchic, the Fire Type," Birch exclaims excitedly. "Torchic is the most obedient out of all three, but still the toughest to train. It's gonna take a while to teach moves and evolve it and other things like that."  

The boy simply nods his head. After minutes of pondering, the boy finally yells, and I mean yells, "I WANT MUDKIP!" Birch backs up a few steps, but he still does not detect me. 

"Alright, alright," he laughs. "I'll give ya the Mudkip." He walks over to a keyboard near the glass chamber. I catch a glimpse that inside the chamber are three Pokeballs.

Soon, a single Pokeball is chosen from the three by a metal, robotic arm. It brings the ball to an opening in the glass. The arm drops the ball into bucket-like object and returns into the machine. 

The boy rushes his hand into the bucket and pulls out the Pokeball. He supports the weight by the tip of his fingertips, and he looks at it like Gollum did with the Ring. He tosses the ball up and a red light reveals a small little blue Pokemon standing on four legs with a flipper for each leg. The Mudkip peeks left and right, confused about the current situation. The boy bends down. "Hi. I'm Runner. Nice to meet you!" The water Pokemon has no reaction. But in a mere five seconds, it smiles and cheers, "Kip! Mudkip! Kip!" 

It hops onto the boy named Runner and starts licking his face. The boy laughs hysterically. He turns around and walks out the door. Then, Professor Birch turns around. He stumbles back, finally noticing my presence. He clenches his heart. "Good Lord, you scared me." He's a man with messy brown hair and brown eyes. He has a thin line of hair under his chin. Like Jennifer, he has an open lab coat, showing he has on a blue T-shirt and khaki shorts, finishing off with leather, open toed sandals. 

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