Chapter 6- "Gia, Mia, and Akira"

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We look ahead to see the vast City of Rustboro. It stands on the other side of the lake with a wooden bridge built over it. The bridge was very quiet, not a lot of people, just two young girls, wearing the same clothes and both their hair in pony tails. Obviously twins. 

I grab Runner by the shoulder and pull him forward. I was practically dragging him across the dirt. But, he eventually got up on his own two feet and walks along my side. We find ourselves on the bridge and walking across the hard wood planks. I look over the side and there I see my reflection and the ripples of the water move ever so slightly, flowing across the light blue water.

I peer back to Runner who has gone ahead by himself. I see him be approached by the two young twin girls. They were the two most jittery and excited girls I have ever seen. They wore little sewn together sunflower dresses and matching yellow flat shoes. Runner laughs and waves me over. I happily come and say, "What's up?"

Runner says, "Apparently these two little girls are my cousins. They are, uh...what's your names again?"

The two girls clamp there hands together. One says, "I'm Gia!" And the other says, "I'm Mia!" Looking at them now, I can say they look exactly the same. They both have freckles scattered across their faces, they both have a birth mark on their hands, and they both have a large gap in between their two front teeth. Literally, the only difference between them is that the one that said her name was Gia has Dark Hazel eyes, and the one who said her name was Mia has Dark Grey eyes.

"They say they're the daughters of my Uncle, the one I'm looking for," Runner continues. "They said  they'd take me to him. But the only exception is-"

Gia butts in, waves her arms, and shouts, "A POKEMON BATTLE!" She and her sister hop about, giggling.

"And," Runner once again continues. "It's a double battle. And I need a"

I laugh and say, "Yes, I'll battle with you." Gia and Mia cheer and they run off, gesturing us to follow them. Runner and I struggle to keep up, but eventually we find the two twin girls in a large field, surrounding by rows of flowers. 

In perfect unison the two girls toss their Pokeballs in the air. They hit the ground and a large red lights blows out. When the red light disappears, it reveals two Pokemon. One was in the shape of an acorn, but with little feet. The othe looked like a blue frog but with a lilypad on it's back. I whip out my pokedex and scan the two Pokemon. The results come up as "Seedot and Lotad." Seedot being Gia's and Lotad Mia's.

I grin, and glance back to Shuppet. I nod my head forward, gesturing her to go out into the field. Shuppet confidently nods and floats out into the field. Then Runner shoots out his Pokeball and Tsunami is released into the field. It growls at it's opponents. Runner then announces, "You go first, ladies."

Gia and Mia laugh and in perfect unison they shout, "Vine Whip!" Suddenly, two long vines appear from both the backs of Lotad and Seedot. They stiffen up a bit, then they launch at our Pokemon.

"Shuppet! Up!" I shout to my Pokemon. She immeaditley responds by soaring up higher, dodging the Grass Type attack. Then I yell, "Now use a Screech Attack on both of them!" while at the same moment, Runner shouts to Tsunami, "Hit Lotad with a Mud-Slap, Tsunami!" In unison, Shuppet shreeches as loud as it can while Tsunami leaps in the air and launches three mud balls at Mia's Grass/Water Type Pokemon. Shuppet's Screech Attack had both Pokemon distracted and Lotad was brutally impacted by the Mud-Slap. 

Then, I command Shuppet to use Night Shade at Seedot. But, Gia rebutted by saying, "Seedot, use Razor Leaf on both of them!" Multiple leaves rise from Seedot's feet. They slowly turn and point towards at Shuppet and Tsunami, but Shuppet's Night Shade is still preparing. Before I knew anything, Shuppet was shot from the air and burst into the ground. "Tsunami!" I hear from Runner. I peer over and see that Tsunami was savagely blasted with Razor Leaf. Grass is super effective against Water. 

But then I see something from Runner. His lips slightly curl and he bends his head down slightly, just barely peering to the ground. He's seeming to enjoy the current battle. But not only that, it seems that what he told me earlier, the cruel story of his father appeared to have faded away, almost as if he had forgotten about it. The story was told an hour ago, but to him it was told a year ago. "Get up, Tsunami!" Runner shouts, excitedly. Without hesitation, Tsunami jumps to it's feet as if nothing had happened. 

I peer back to Shuppet and yell, "Will-o-Wisp on the Seedot!" Shuppet blast little fragments of embers into the air and they soar towards the unaware Seedot. Gia tried to warn Seedot, but by that time it was too late. The Will-O-Wisp has already seeped into Seedot's skin and had burnt it. For the slightest of moments, the Seedot was immobilized, distracted by it's burn. "Shuppet! Use Night Shade while Seedot's distracted!" She does as commanded, and the black mist forms around Shuppet. Then she launches it at Gia's pokemon. It blasts at Seedot, launching the Pokemon past Gia. 

She watches her Pokemon fly right past her. "SEEDOT!?" she screeches as she rushes to it. She kneels over and picks up the Seedot as if it were her baby. "It's okay, Seedot," she says returning it to her Pokeball. 

I turn my attention to the left, watching the fight between Runner's Tsunami and Mia's Lotad. It was a whirlwind of activity. A Vine Whip was launched at Tsunami, but it jumped into the air like a frog, dodging the vine. Tsunami answered with a Mud-Slap launching from it's tail, and blowing up the surrounding area of the Lotad like bombs bursting from the ground. With no time to spare, Runner shouts, "Quick Attack!" Tsunami blasts from it's spot and races as fast as a bullet to Lotad. Just as the dust clears, Tsunami hurls itself at the dazed Lotad. It severely impacts Mia's Lotad with it's head, and Lotad soars across the field. 

Just like what Gia did to Seedot, Mia ran to Lotad, picked it up in her arms like a baby and returned it to it's Pokeball. The twins sigh and walk up to us. "You won," they announce quietly.

Runner grins from ear to ear and returns Tsunami to it's Pokeball. Then, he looks down to his two cousins, and says, "Now can you tak me to my Uncle?" 

They both nod and skip right past us. Mia turns around, reverse skipping and tells us, "Daddy lives right at the edge of Rustboro. We get an amazing view of the city! It's really pretty!" Then she turns back around and follows Gia who has already bolted ahead. 

Soon enough, we enter the city of Rustboro, when we are surprised with a sudden left, straight to a stone building. Gia opens the door and rushes in, followed by Mia not long after. They leave the door open and Runner and I allow ourselves in. 

What we find is a house with purple walls with a floral patterns and red velvet furniture, not exactly commenting the wall coloring. Gia and Mia are nowhere to be seen. "Where'd you think they went?" I whisper over to Runner.

But then, we see Gia and Mia turn a corner with a balding man, practically ripping his arms from his shoulders dragging him down the halls. He was an older man with a white goatee beard and slightly tan skin. He wore a white apron splattered with different colors of paint, and in his hand, a paintbrush. "Wha-what's going on," he says to the twins. But he finally sees us.

He frees himself from Gia and Mia's bound and slowly makes his way to Runner. "You must be Runner," he calmly, yet shakily implies. "I am your Uncle, Akira." I step aside to make room for Akira. When he and Runner are just about a foot apart from each other, Akira continues with, "You look just like your father."


Hey people! Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did. I thought the battle between Runner and Dream against Gia and Mia was pretty good. But what did you think?

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Thanks for reading, bye!

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