Chapter 13- "A Team Called Magma"

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After we get our Pokemon healed, Runner and I run as fast as quickly as we can to the building in anarchy. When we arrive, at the front entrance, we find a sign saying "Slateport Museum: Home of the Original Designs of the First Ship to Sail The Ocean."

We run in and scan the area. The place is empty and quiet. But then, a loud thud comes from above. Runner and I share a look when we find stairs leading up. Runner goes up first, then I follow. 

He pushes open the door that leads to Level 2. Inside, we find two people on one side of the room with two Pokemon ravaging through files after files. The two desperatley rummage threw cabinent, appearing to look for something. One Pokemon seemed to be a dark dog Pokemon. A Mightyena, just like that one I saw at the beach, next to it, a woman with her head concealed in a drawer. The other Pokemon, on the side of it's trainer, was a small Pokemon with a leaf sticking from it's head. I pull out my Pokedex. The result comes up as: "Nuzleaf; Grass/Dark." 

But catching me by surprise, a loud yell, saying, "WHERE IS THE RED ORB!?" comes from the other side of the room. I look and see a man and woman, dressed exactly like the other two, in red tops with hoods. They were both standing in front of a weeping man, covered in cuts and brusies. Next to the man in red was a Pokemon with a large tail and a green, mushroom-like head, seeming like a hat. I scan it with my Pokedex and the result comes up as "Breloom; Grass/Fighting." Next to the woman was a small Pokemon, with a green and white color scheme. I scan it, and the result comes up, "Kirlia; Psychic/Fairy." 

Once again, the man in red shouts at the weeping man on the ground, "WHERE IS THE RED ORB!" The man shrivels and frantically tells him, "I don't know! I don't know!" The man in red sighs and looks at his Breloom. "Breloom. Mach Punch."

The man on the floor extends his arm and shouts, "Please! Not again! Please!" The Breloom's arm begins to shine, then it launches it's fists fowards and blasts the man straight across the jaw. He hits the wall and slides down, grasping at the little breath he can get. 

The man in red picks up the man by the collar and says, "I'll ask you one more time. Where. Is. The Red. Orb?"

The man takes a gulp and utters, "A man...a the abandoned ship...the one that crashed in Route 108...he...he should know..." 

"Thanks." The man in red lifts up his fists and hurls it at the man, causing him to go unconscious.

"Hey!" Runner shouts to them. The man looks up with a surprised face. "Leave him alone!" The man in red drops the unconscious one. I look to the left and see the two people in red are now looking.

Looking at the man with Breloom, I finally get a clear look at him. He was a tall man with a strong build. Spread across his chest is a large 'M'. 

The man with the Breloom smiles and says, "What are you going to do about it? You're just a kid." 

I can't manage to hold my tongue when I shout, "We'll beat you in a Pokemon Battle!" The man smiles with a chuckle.

He points to the man with the Nuzleaf and the girl next to him, the one with the Kirlia. "Alex, Wiona. Go to the Abandoned Ship." Then he points to the woman with the Mightyena. "Jezebel, help me fight off these two losers." 

The man with the Nuzleaf and the woman with the Kirlia run off. The woman called Jezebel walks next to the man with the Breloom. "You ready, Jacob?" She asks him. 

But I recognize that voice. Jezebel removes her hood and reveals long lazy brown hair. The woman from the beach! This leaves me with a face of surprise and confusion. I notice that the woman has the same expression. "You''re that annoying girl from the beach!" 

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