Chapter 5- "Path To Rustboro"

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I'm just going to tell you know, that I am going to be making up the Gym Leaders in this Book. The Champion will be the same as the games and so will be the towns, but the Gym Leaders and Elite Four are going to be different.

(How many times have I told you that? I'm not sure...)


Odale Town is a very small, quiet town. Nothing special about it. Pretty much useless. I would just walk right by, if I didn't have to make a stop. All there is are two houses in the NorthEast and SouthWest corners, then a Pokemon Center in the SouthEast corner, and finally a PokeMart in the NorthWest corner. That's it. Nothing important. Just throw a few flowers here and there, then a dirt road leading straight through town then you have Odale Town.

It's just so lifeless that I'm surprised that no tumbleweed is just bouncing around in the wind. Not a sould to be seen. Some could be in the houses, but I don't know.

Runner and I walk into the Pokemon Center, where there is only the healing machine it's self and a woman with pink hair tied in loops sitting there, head resting on the counter, looking bored and depressed. But as soon as she sees us walking through the doors, she instantly lights up. "Good morning! Welcome to the Odale Pokemon Center!" She says, pretty eager and animated. "Would you like to stay overnight in our vacant rooms? Recharge your Pokemon? Deposit some in the PC?" It's obviously not very popular here.

Runner walks forward to the desk of the tight-smiled Nurse. Pinned to her shirt is a name tag that says, "Hi! I'm Nurse Joy!"

Runner grabs his Pokeball with Tsunami sitting inside and places it on the counter. "We'd like to heal our Pokemon."

I spin around to Shuppet and pull out her Pokeball. "I'm sorry, Shuppet," I say. "You're going to have to get into your Pokeball this one time. I promise, it will only be for a short time. We just need the nice lady to heal you." There was a hesitation, but Shuppet eventually, yet cautiously, nods her head in agreement. I open the Pokeball and there's a sudden burst of red light. Then, Shuppet is gone into the Pokeball, then I place it along side Runner's.

Her lit up face then returns to a gloomy darkness. "Oh," she sighs. "Is that all?"

Runner glances back at me and nods. "I...uh...think that's all."


She grabs the two Pokeballs and takes them to two push glass doors. Appearing from the doors is a Chansey wearing a paper nurse hat with big large red cross on it. "Chansey," Joy says. "Take these back and heal them." Chansey makes a slight nod, grabs the two Pokeballs and takes them back through the doors. Joy turns back around. "Just passing through?" She asks us.

I lean up against the counter. Looking at her face and the listening to the tone in her voice as she asked us the question really signals that she's been through this process before. "Yeah," I reply. "We're actually looking for the closet town with a Gym."

"Oh, well Rustboro has a pretty difficult Poison Type Gym. The leader, Isley, has some pretty brutal Pokemon."

Chansey returns with the two Pokeballs and places them back on the desk. We take our Pokeballs when Runner than asks, "How do we get there?"

"The West Exit, leads to Route 102. Don't mean to toot my own horn, but I know every path in Hoenn," she replies, smug. This lady must not have anything to do. I mean, she's memorized the map of Hoenn!

"Thank you," Runner shouts back as we leave the Pokemon Center. Just before the doors close behind us, I hear Nurse Joy desperately shout, "Come back again!"

Runner and I continue on our way to the West Exit. He looks back and laughs, "Well that was depressing." I laugh along with him.

We leave Odale Town and end up in a wooded area. And right at the beginning of the Route, there is a yellow diamond sign that says "Route 102" and under it is another rectangle sign that says "Path to Rustboro". I toss Shuppet's Pokeball into the air and my Ghost Pokemon is released from the ball. She looks as healthy and as enthusiastic as ever.

Runner and I walk along the dirt path as the bright sun shines down on us. I fold my arms behind my back and skip ahead of him, with the largest grin on my face. I spin around like a top and ask, "So, now can I ask why you're so eager to get to Rustboro?"

He sighs and peers down to his feet. "You don't want to hear it. You won't understand. As a matter of fact, I don't even understand."

"Oh! That just makes it all the more interesting!"

I return to his side, and look to his face. He takes a deep breath and begins, "My Father. He was a Physicist who also studied ancient Fables of Legendary Pokemon. One day, about a week ago, we got a call. I picked up the phone before my Father could reach it. On the other line, a man introduced himself. Called himself 'Maxie' or something. He told me to give the phone to my Father and to tell him it was a 'childhood friend'. And I did so. I handed off the phone to my Dad and he disappeared into his room. He must have been in there for at least a half an hour. Then he came out, holding a suitcase. He made his way to the front door, but I caught him asking where he was going. He kissed me on the forehead and the last thing he said to me was "Be Good.""

There was a brief moment of silence, all to be heard are our boots lightly pressing against the dirt road and Shuppet softly floating in the air. Then Runner continued, "And he just opened the door and left, leaving me there, without the slightest explanation of anything, really. He just left me with nothing...and that's why I'm going to Rustboro. My uncle on my Dad side's there. They were very close and I'm sure if there's anyone with any explanation, it's got to be him."

The silence at this point is pretty overwhelming. At this point, practically everything is silent. Our footsteps seem to have faded away, and Shuppet's soft sound of floating seemed to become a distand memory and I pay no attention to it. There's not even the sound of a breeze blowing in the rustling leaves. So silent, we can practically here our heart beats. I can't believe what he has just told me. His Father just straight up left him. How could one do that to their only son. "Don't you have a mother?"

"Dead. When I was 2. Got into an accident with some Fire Type Pokemon in the woods. I hear there was another boy that got caught in the Fire but I never knew who."

We just continue walking, silent and dismay. Me being more dismay than others.That's horrible, how some man can leave his only child for no clear reason. Especially with no one to go to, beside's his uncle. And Runner himself has really surprised me. He's a boy who has recently lost everything, but he's hidden his sorrow so well. When I first meet him, he seemed so energetic and peppy. How could this happen to him?

Suddenly, I feel a nudge in my back. It was Shuppet pushing me forward. I look ahead and see a sign that says "Rustboro City".

"Runner, I know this is a bad time, but we're here." And then he looks up to the glorious city ahead.


Hey guys! I hope you liked this Chapter! I really did, we finally got some background on Runner! Was it good? And if you know Pokemon like I do, you know who Maxie is... O.O

If you read the first little part of this Chapter, you know that there will be different Gym Leaders in this book. Why? Because I said so! This chapter mentions a Poison Type Gym leader named Isley and she will be appearing very shortly.

Thank you for reading, don't forget to vote and Comment!


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