Chapter 1

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"Come on Blair! You're going to be late for school! Get a move on!" My mom yelled up the stairs as I pulled my hoodie over my torso. I grabbed my glasses, house keys, backpack, and toque. I jogged down the stairs and into the kitchen.

I opened the fridge and grabbed a Granny Smith apple out of one of the drawers before jogging back to the front of the house to get my black hightops on. I held my apple with my teeth as I hopped on one leg to pull on my shoes, I switched feet but had to lean on the wall to keep my balance centered.

"You know you should stop sleeping in Honey, then you wouldn't have to rush so much." My mom said as she tossed my lunch at me. I took the apple out of my mouth as the bag hurled towards me,

"Then my life wouldn't be so adventurous," I said with a smile when I caught it, she gave me a reassuring grin. I kissed her on the cheek, "Love you, mum. I'll see you later." I yelled as I rushed out the door, barely having time to see if my glasses were on my face properly. I put my headphones on and blasted the music on my Late Night Clashers playlist as I made my way to school.

I turned down the music when I got to the doors to keep others from hearing what I listened to. I took the stairs 2 at a time to get to my locker, I was a freshman and I honestly could do without all these people that I've been going to school with for more than 2 years... except for maybe Carter.

Carter and I first met when I was supposed to get detention for doing something that I didn't do. Later on, we realized we were neighbors and hung out more than we should've. Now, this semester we were going to be in all the same classes.

I got to my locker and quickly twisted my combination all the while being rudely shoved from side to side by people who didn't know traffic laws of hallways... WHICH IS STAY TO THE RIGHT!!!

I walked around the school halls until I heard the 2-minute warning bell, no one pays attention to the bells until they look at the time themselves and almost have a heart attack before sprinting to class. My first-period class was grade 10 math which I took as an elective course since I did so well in grade 9 math last semester and Carter said he'd take the same courses as me. 

I popped a couple pieces of gum into my mouth to keep myself from nervously chewing on my nails. I didn't know anyone in these older grades unless they were on the swim team but I doubt any of them knew of my existence... just like everyone else that had come and gone in my life. I sat down in the back of the classroom and took out my sketchbook, my pencil glided across the page as I waited for everyone to get settled for the teacher.

I waited patiently for Carter to get to class so I could converse with someone that I knew and to cure me of the boredom I was feeling. My pencil moved around the ripped page in creating an intricate mandala, the teacher went on about the course outline that was shoved under my propped elbow.

My glasses slid down my nose slightly, I lifted my eyes from the paper so I could readjust them when I saw that everyone was packing up. I looked down at my phone and saw that the class was about to end. I shoved my books into my bag, got up quietly and slipped out the door at the back of the class.


I sluggishly made my way through the somewhat crowded halls, I scrolled through my call log in search of Carter's number,

"I said, I don't know anything!!" I heard someone yell to the left of me and I turned my head in curiosity. Walking back and forth was Carter, hand grasping at his scalp and tensed up, I stopped walking and observed what was going on,

"What more could you possibly want!? I've already told you everything I know about her! Leave me alone!" His breathing was picking up, I knew he's on the edge of losing his patience with whoever was on the other end of the call. I backed up a bit so that if he turned around I could flatten out against a wall,

"And then will you stop calling me?" He sighed painfully then hung up, he spun around and I quickly retreated.

I know it was wrong to eavesdrop on his conversation like that but it just made me curious as to who could be bothering him so much so that he is close to losing his patience.

My phone screen lit up, drawing my attention to it... it was Carter,

"We need to talk..."

"What's up?"

"Come to the front hall."

It was unsettling how vague he was being, but either way, I pried myself off the wall and started towards the main hall. I was so focused on my phone that I didn't see someone coming directly into my direction, I suddenly felt like I hit a brick wall by the way that I was thrown back.

My phone flew from my hand and my glasses were on the ground as well, I gripped my elbow as I rocked from side to side and groaned.

"Watch it!" I knew the voice of who I walked into, I craned my neck to see Ethan looking down at me.

"Sorry..." I muttered as I reached for my phone, he started to walk away until I heard the sickening crunch of plastic and glass. I grimaced as I looked at my glasses crushed under his bright red Nike.

Tears prickled in the back of my eyes as he didn't even apologize for that but just kept on walking. I picked up the remnants of my glasses before continuing toward the front of the school.

"This day couldn't get any worse..." I rumbled under my breath, the bell rung and everyone suddenly flooded the halls and the stairs that I was going down.
Carter was pacing back and forth nervously in front of the doors, deep in thought,

"Hey!" I greeted him a little bit happy, he looked up at me with fear and pain in his eyes, "What's up?" 

He didnt even respond, he took my hand and pulled out the doors. He dragged me through the rows of cars in the parking lot until we stood in front of his Nissan, "Get in the car."


"Did I fucking stutter?" He growled at me which made the hairs on the back of my neck stand and i didnt wait for him to tell me a second time. 

He slammed my door almost catching my leg in the process before getting into the car himself, "Carter what's going on?" I asked

He looked at me with scared eyes as the words slipped past his lips, "I can't be your friend anymore."

"W-what do you mean?" I asked in shock... he was my only friend in school and he kept me in check.

"You're impossible to be around. You make me choose between you and school... each moment that I leave you to your own devices you hurt yourself... I cant live with this anymore Blair!" He words shook my core where my tears returned and this time rolled down my face with no effort.

"This day just gets worse and worse..." I whispered as I gripped my backpack harder than before. I looked up and wiped away some of my tears before responding to him fully,

"You wont have to worry about me anymore soon. I'm sorry that I was such a bother." I swung the door open and got out. I didnt go back to class because I didnt want to see him for the rest of the day.

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