Chapter 13

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I had lost track of time as Adam kissed me in the hospital's hallway. I was high as hell when he was kissing me. He was non-stop biting my bottom lip and I couldn't stop biting his when I had the chance.

I heard a cough come from the hallway and when I opened my eyes I found Cooper extremely awkward in the hallway as we had made out. I pushed Adam off of me lightly and he saw why. His lips were swollen and I bet mine were also.

"You ready to go?" I asked him awkwardly as I scratched the back of my neck.

"Yeah... are you two ready?" He asked looking down at his torn up shoes. I looked up at Adam and he gave me a cheeky look. I smacked him in the chest as I lead the way out of the hospital.


I hauled Cooper to my car once again and this time Adam actually wasn't a hotheaded bitch and gave me a towel to put on the seats.

"You should consider yourself lucky, mate. She does even let me drop a crumb on the seats... but you dumped a lot of blood on hers." Adam said to Cooper and he laughed. He pulled me over to the hood of the car and leaned me up against it.

"What did you get out of him?" Adam asked as his fingers touched my bare skin.

"Carter is our target. He is the one who is threating to take over... and he is after all of us." I said and Adam swore.

"I should have never dragged you into this." He groaned as he stepped away from me like a disease. I straightened myself out and walked closer to him.

"Adam! Don't you fucking dare walk away!!!!" I yelled at him but he rubbed his face and continued walking.

"God fucking damn it! You fucking Gemini's drive me fucking crazy." I mumbled under my breath and chased after him.

"ADAM!!! DON'T YOU DARE IGNORE ME!!" I yelled at him and I reached for his arm. I grabbed the sleeve of his black hoodie and forced him to stop walking away from me.

He ripped his sleeve out of my grip which caused me to take a step back. A sudden burst of rage coursed through me, my hand started to shake as he continued to walk away.

"I swear to God Adam. If you keep walking... then we are over." I said in a low voice. He stopped and turned to look at me. Tears had started to form and I couldn't stop shaking.

"I don't know what is going on with you Adam but you can't just shut me out like that!" I yelled as the tears rolled down my face. He looked down at the ground and then back up at me.

"Blair, just go home. I'll talk to you there when there isn't a chance of anyone listening." He said as he rolled his neck. He turned and continued to walk away.

"I see how it is... You have no idea what you just started." I mumbled as I wiped the tears off of my face. I jumped when I heard a car horn honking, I turned and saw Cooper's hand on the steering wheel. I let out a shaky sigh and returned to my car. I got into my car and just stared out of the windshield for a second before I hit my steering wheel. I leaned my forehead on the wheel as Cooper gave me an awkward hug.

"He will be back... I know that he will Blair." He said in a soft tone.

"I saw the way he looked at you when he walked away! He was hurting himself as he left." He continued and the tears started to pitter-patter on the leather wheel. I was so frustrated with him but I still loved him so much even though he drove me crazy.

" I don't think he'll be back after what I said." I groaned as I put the keys in the ignition.

"He may have shut you out but don't you block him out if he returns."

"That's all up to him, Cooper. He just left me standing by myself crying." I raised my voice, he stood his ground, not looking away from my stare. I rolled my eyes and drove out of the garage.


After I dropped Cooper off at his very over-sized mansion I went back to my mom's house. As I pulled up I saw my mom outside arguing with Carter's mother. I got out of my car and ran towards them.

"Your daughter is going to wreck this town!" Carter's mom yelled

"Your son almost killed my only daughter, Christa!" My mom was fuming, I walked up to them. Carter's mom glared at me and I returned the favour by flipping her off.

"I hope you enjoy tearing apart families Victoria." Carter's mom hissed at me and I started to shake.

"I wouldn't finish that statement if I were you," I warned her but all she that she gave was a smirk.

"Cause you already broke this family." She finished and I lost it. I jumped over the small, white, picket fence into their yard. I pulled at her head back by her hair and brought my fist back about to hit her, but my hand was stopped by a familiar grip.

"Blair. Don't." Adam said in a low voice, I ripped my hand out of his grasp. I glared at him and back at her.

"Don't ever talk to my mother that way! I don't know what happened in those 2 years I was gone but I'm pretty damn sure I don't want to know." I said without thinking. My mom turned to me with a saddened look.

"Blair. Honey, please just go inside. I can't drag you into this." She said in a soft voice as she pushed me towards the house.

"Mom, No. She brought me into this. Actually... No. Her son did. Did you know that your son tried to attack me while I was looking for my class?" I hollered at her, she stiffened up and sucked in a deep, ridged breath.

"No. No, I did not. I'll ask him about it." She said trying to keep her composure.

"Oh. Oh yeah. Well, ask him and come back and tell what bullshit lie that he told you... and so you can find another reason to put the blame on me. Cause your son is 'Sooooo perfect'" I said in a mocking tone.

I walked back to my mom's house when she didn't have anything else to say. Adam's hand shot out to grip my waist but I dodged it with ease and walked into the house. It hadn't changed in the 2 years, except for the paint on the walls and the kitchen countertops. I heard a scratching coming from the basement door, I went to go see what it was or who it was.

I opened the door slightly and peeked around the corner. I saw the familiar Calico pattern that belonged to the beloved cat that I had to leave behind.

"MAX!" I yelled and dropped to my knees and started scratching her where I remember she adored. I grabbed her under the stomach and picked her up, but she started meowing profusely. Confused, I let her back down to the ground. When I looked back up I saw a small little group of kittens sitting scared on the stairwell. I let out an awe and went to meet them, but they quickly scurried away back down the stairs, I smiled and stood up, I left the door ajar and went to my room.


I ran up the stairs. The carpeted stairs were so familiar to my feet as if I had never left in the first place. My bedroom was still the same light turquoise and my fluffy carpet was still on the floor. My dark brown dresser and bed frame was still the same, except for the fact that my bedsheet was a mismatch to the theme of the room. I didn't care, I just wanted a bed that was comfortable and no one to bother me. I took my shirt and jeans off, curled up under the giant ass comforter that I had and drifted into a deep slumber.


Scar's Corner


Is anyone heartbroken over their argument?

What do you think of Carter's mother in general? Lol

I'm running out of things to say... it's too early in the morning to process what is going on around me.


I love you all

You know what to do,






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