Chapter 3

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I thundered up the stairs to my bathroom. I slammed the door and locked it, I looked into the mirror and saw that my eyes were red from the crying, my hair was tangled, my cheeks where blushed and stained with tears. The girl I once was... disappeared. I hung my head low and thought about life, my life was hell.

It was shit, no one was there anymore. I opened the cabinet and looked for the hunting knife that my mother put there for protection. I reached to the back, feeling around for the leather holder. My fingers grazed it, I wrapped my hand around it and pulled back into the bathroom light. I took the knife out and inspected it, I felt how sharp the blade was with my thumb. Before I knew it, I cut my right wrist, I hissed when it cut through my skin and my veins.

I then went on to cut my left wrist following my veins, blood was all over the ceramic floor. I sat down in the bathtub and turned the water on.


I heard the garage door open and my mom pull in. My Eyelids felt heavy and my body was slowing down.

"Honey, I'm home!" My mom's voice echoed up the stairs and under the door. I couldn't open my mouth to answer her. I heard her come up the stairs, she started to knock on the door.

"Blair? Are you in there?" She asked as the knob turned and she tried to open the door.

"Hon--" her voice became muffled and black dots formed in my vision. The water was now dark red, my body felt numb... felt or heard nothing. Soon after I saw nothing.


A steady, rhythmic beeping was the first thing I heard. My eyelids felt heavy and impossible to open, my throat felt like sandpaper and it hurt to swallow. I opened my eyes and squinted when the bright hospital lights hit my eyes. I looked to the side of me and I saw a clear liquid hanging and a bag of blood also. I groaned and looked to the other side of me and found my mom outside on the phone. There was a bouquet of lilies on the table and I knew was from Sam and Trevor. My mom turned and looked at me, tears formed in her eyes. She rushed to my side and pulled me into a hug but then held me an arm's length away and looked straight into my eyes.

"What were you thinking?! I thought you actually died?!!!" She yelled at me and I gave her a confused look.

"What are you talking about mom?" I asked her, she sucked in a shaky breath in.

"You slit your wrist, Honey. I had to break the door down... If I was a second later you would have never been saved." She told me and I blinked at her multiple times then I looked down at my arms and saw the white bandages on my wrists.

"What caused you to do this Honey?" My mom asked me, my eyes watered as I recalled that day. Carter and Shylia. Trevor and Sam. My shift. Me in the bathtub filled with red blood. I sucked in a deep breath holding the tears back as much as possible.

"Mum, it was bec--" I started but a doctor walked in looking down at a clipboard. She had jet black hair and pale white skin. She also had piercings along her ears,

"Hello. My name is Dr. Brown, and I was your doctor while you were unconscious." She said in a monotone voice.

"Nice to meet you," I said back, she looked up and her grey eyes almost seemed fake.

"Will she be discharged today?" My mom asked her and she looked at me and back at my mother.

"Yeah, she can leave in a couple of hours. We just have to make sure that she is completely stable." She said hanging the clipboard onto the end of the bed. I threw the blanket off of me to get up but my mom was at my side in seconds trying to get me to stay in bed. I gave her a look and she backed off. I stood up but my legs felt like jello and the world spun counterclockwise. I dragged my feet towards the bathroom, it was a small bathroom. There wasn't even a mirror, I chuckled at that.

"Maybe they knew I was ready to see my reflection." I joked and turned the tap on. I splashed water on my face, I dried my face with a paper towel before returning to the bed.

"Honey. We need to talk." My mother said fiddling with her thumbs. I raised an eyebrow at her and sat down on the hospital bed.

"Honey, I love you... and you know that-" She said and I nodded my head and looked down at my hands.

"I have made a decision." I was confused about what decision.

"What decision?" I asked her shaking my head.

"Your Aunt Heather has agreed to take you in... just for a couple of years so you can mentally heal." My jaw dropped.

"What!? You're sending me away?!" I yelled, she looked up at me.

"I know you've been lying about your school life. Samuel told me about how lonely you are at school and that Carter betrayed you." I rolled my eyes at the mention of Carter.

"You need this Blair. I'm doing this for you. So you won't hurt yourself..." I huffed at the remark.

"And the bonus is that you get to see your big brother again!" She said happily... honestly I did miss my brother so much. I sighed, I thought about it. I had nothing to lose, I looked at my mom in the eyes

"I'm on board. I have nothing holding me here other than you and Sam, but the internet was created for these reasons." I joked and she laughed and hugged me again.

"I'm happy that you've agreed to this. You will love Texas!" She gave me a sad smile as she tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I hope it's a good thing, mum," I mumbled into her shoulder.

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