Chapter 17

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I zoned back into the present to find Cooper holding me... I didn't remember when he moved in closer to me or when I leaned against him.

"They put me into a medically induced coma to stop my blood loss... and when I regained consciousness, about 3 weeks later, they told me that I was the sole survivor of the collision." I took a deep breath in as Cooper pulled me closer.

"My father was thrown out of the windshield and died immediately... as for my sister... she died from internal damage." I started to shake but Cooper was restraining me to the bench.

"I suffered from a few bruised ribs, fractured leg, a lot of internal bleeding and a concussion. The police that investigated the crash said it was a miracle that I survived..." I looked up at Cooper who was in more shock than I thought he would be.

"S---so you're telling me that you and your friends... predicted your sister's death? But it had 3 outcomes?" He asked puzzled, I looked at the food that was on the table.

"No. In that week... 5 people died," I started and reached for a carrot stick.

"The driver that rammed into my dad's car, my father and my sister were 3 of the 5. Shelly and Megan were the other 2..." I said looking out to the practicing football players.

"Shelly was stabbed to death on her way home that night when Megan kicked her out. As for Megan... she jumped off her apartment's roof after she heard about the deaths." I felt Cooper shiver suddenly and I looked at his flawless face that was still healing from my attack on him.

"And after that, my mom packed a small suitcase for me and her... and we left. We had no use of staying in Britain after all of that." I finished as he met my gaze. The bell rung to tell us that lunch had ended and that we needed to get to class. He got up first and started to clean up the table.

"What did Adam say about all of that?" He asked as he zipped up his bag and slinging it over his shoulder.

"He doesn't know." I blurted out and he went rigid. He swung his head around to look at me.

"WHY HAVEN'T YOU TOLD HIM!" He raised his voice as I puffed out my chest.

"He never asked... you asked and I told. He knew that my sister and father are dead but he never asked..." I explained to him. He grabbed my arm towards himself.

"This is why you are having issues with him." He said bluntly and I slouched forward

"You aren't willing to open up to him!" He finished, I looked down at my shoes as I kicked some grass. Anger sprung from deep inside of me and I felt my eyes burn with fire, I looked back up at him more than pissed. As I opened my mouth he suddenly started pulling me towards the school.


As we approached the school, the side doors suddenly burst wide-open revealing a furious Adam. My body went stiffer as his wild eyes met mine. He looked down at Cooper's hand wrapped around my wrist and then at him. I heard a small growl escape his mouth.

"I was looking for you all of lunch." He said coldly still looking at Cooper with a deadly glare.

"Why do you need me? You made it clear over the weekend that you didn't want to be around me... so I let you have your space." I said with a tad of sass in my voice. His eyes suddenly shot towards me and I took a small step back.

"Adam... please..." I started yanking my arm out of Cooper's hand, looking down.

"Not here... anywhere but here... please." I pleaded with him and I saw his fist clenched and unclenched as he tried to regain his control. He tipped his head showing his unshaved chin and neck, I saw the veins in his neck pulsating and sweat collecting on his skin.

"You have a spare now don't you, Blair?" Cooper asked and I glared at him for reminding me. Adam's eyes darted to me and I groaned.

"Yeah... I do..." I mumbled as Cooper pushed me towards Adam. I landed facefirst into his chest and instinctively wrapped his arms around my waist. My eyes widened and pushed off slightly, I looked back to where Cooper was just to find him running for the other door.

"COOPER!!!!" I screamed after him.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!!!! I'LL KILL YOU!!!" I felt a chuckle radiate through Adam's chest. I looked down at my shirt and started fiddling with the seam of it. The warmth from his body suddenly disappeared and saw that he was walking away from me again. Without thinking my arm shot out to grab his hand. The wind picked up when I stopped him from going farther away from me.

My hair flew in front of my face as it was tossed around, his eyes drifted to our hands holding and then followed my arm to my face. I kept on looking at our outstretched arms.

"You aren't willing to open up to him..." Cooper's words echoed in my mind.

"I have to talk to you..." The words freely came out of my mouth, His gaze softened slightly and nodded.


We settled for a 15-minute ride to the beach in Carlsbad. I remembered the last time I was here was when my brother was being sent off to my Aunts, about 4 years ago. I pulled off my socks and shoes as we approached the ocean. Adam walked beside me being unusually quiet, I saw that he was looking out to the storm clouds approaching the shore.

My toes touched the warm, Pacific Ocean as Adam kept his distance from the ocean. Looking back at all the times the team went to the beach... Adam never came anywhere close to the Ocean.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" He asked in a harsh tone. I turned around and saw that he was shaking a bit.

"I-It's about my sister and father..." I stuttered and kicked a little bit of sand with my toes.

"What about them?" He asked as I took a deep breath in. There was no turning back now.

"I know... that I never really talked about them..." I started and looked into his eyes, something flashed in them for a split second.

"I don't talk about them... because it was them that were supposed to survive. But umm the universe had other plans--" I said as I dove back into the story once again.


Scar's Corner


I haven't done one of these in a while... Busy life lol.

How have you all been?

I could be better but that's just me lol

I've been thinking about making a YouTube channel to explain my inspirations for each chapter and to get you all better... And because I've got nothing else to do lol. But I still don't know yet... It's still in the drafting stage lol.


I love you all!!

You know what to do,






Who Knew I'd Be Back | (Editing In Progress)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora