Chapter 5

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5 Months Later

I stand by the curb waiting for my brother to pick me up, he was supposed to be here 10 minutes ago but instead of going back inside Heather's house I stood there like a hooker. Crop top, leather skirt, fishnets and all, he said he was going to introduce me to his gang.

I never knew any of his friends and I was excited to meet some of them, headlights grazed the horizon and I crossed my arms in anticipation for it to be my brother. I heard bass music in the air as the dark vehicle stopped right in front of me, the window rolled down and the music was lowered.

Ocean eyes met mine and the messy hair instantly told me it wasn't Xavier, "Adam?! What are you doing here?"

"X sent me. So get in." Adam said harshly and I threw him a glare at his snappy attitude. He was Adam's closest friend, he stayed over every weekend he could. I admired him for his tough exterior with his contrasting soft interior, he brought out the fun side of me that I hadn't felt in a long time.

I walked around the front of his car to get to the passenger door, "Why isn't Xavier here?" I asked slamming the door as I got comfortable in the seat.


"That explains it... but haven't you been drinking also?" I questioned while buckling myself up,

"I don't drink. I hate what alcohol can do to some people." He shifted his car and started to drive off. It was the first time that I saw him sad slightly,

"Yeah... me too," I whispered and leaned my head against the window,

"You don't talk too much do you, Blair?" He laughed at me

"I grew up in the background... so it's hard for me to break that habit," I explained,

"Understandable, you were hurt once and you think its better to be alone than be with someone."

"Excuse me! I am dating someone! So I'm not alone!"

"That's what you tell yourself?" He turned his head to look me in the eyes and I got caught in his gaze. I shook my head,

"Whatever," I muttered as I looked out the window again.


Adam drove up to a gated community which was very well-known for the extravagant mansions,

"Whoa whoa whoa! If I knew we were going to come here I would've worn something more..."

"Elegant?" He finished my sentence and I nodded my head, I saw him smirk as he looked up the hill to a house that was a modern masterpiece, "It's okay, it's my place so it doesn't matter."

"You live here?" I asked exasperated,

"Where did you think I lived? In a cardboard house?"

"I mean... no... but not here!" I defended myself, as we drove farther into the subdivision, I was tensing up more and more as the second passed.

"Blair relax. You look like a cat who is about to be thrown into the middle of the ocean."

"I feel like I'm in the middle of an ocean... MADE OF INSANE MONEY!!!" My chest was contracting with anxiety and I believed that I was on the verge of an attack, he pulled into a stone driveway that was full of expensive brand cars. He parked but then turned his body to face me,

"Name 3 things you can hear." He took my hand into his and started drawing circles, my breathing was heightened and erratic. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on my senses,

"I hear the music coming from the radio... the rumble of the engine..."

"Keep going,"

"Your voice."

Who Knew I'd Be Back | (Editing In Progress)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang