Chapter 10

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Adam chose a table at the back corner of the cafeteria and told me to save it as he went to get food. Greta was still in English trying to get clarification on her summative project. I took out my phone and started looking through my Instagram feed, someone approached my table and I looked up. I saw Shylia and her bitches, they were giving me fake smiles and I smiled back.

"What can I help you with?" I asked and they looked at each other.

"We wanted to know who did your makeup?" Shylia asked and I looked in her fake ass eyes.

"No one. Now tell me the real reason why you are here at my table?" I said with annoyance in my voice.

"What gives you the fucking right to come out of fucking nowhere... come to MY school and steal all the boys from Me? Who the hell do you think you are!!!" She had started ranting about how her life was perfect and then I showed up.

After a good 5 minutes of listening to her, I shot out of my seat and grabbed her by her crop top and pulled her off the ground. She whimpered as I leaned in closer to her,

"Listen up here, bitch. I'm not a girl you want to be messing with... Especially after a road trip with a bunch of dumbasses. So if you don't like me then don't look at me. If I hear your annoying ass voice ever again I swear to God! I'll rip your damn tongue out of your fake ass face!" The cafeteria had quieted down to hear our little fight going on over here. I shoved her away from me and a single clap had started to fill the air. I looked at the food line and I saw Adam clapping like a moron but then the rest of the cafeteria started clapping... for me. Shylia turned spun around to face the cafeteria but no one listened to her protests to shut up.

"I guess I'm not the only one," I said with a smirk on my face, she let out a growl/scream and came at me. She brought her hand around to slap me but I caught her wrist before she could get close enough to my face. I started to push her arm at a very odd angle, she started to scream but I didn't stop. Adam taught to never stop until they passed out or knocked out, I let out a yawn and looked at Shylia. Her eyes were full of rage at my yawn, she started struggling in my grip.

"Now that's not a way for you to treat me-" I kicked her legs out from underneath her,

"That's how you should treat me, whore." I hissed and smashed her face into the ground with my foot.

"BLAIR!" I looked up and saw the principal standing in the doorway staring daggers at me. I groaned and took my foot off her head, she didn't try to get up. I suddenly heard a wave of whispers of my name and if I was the Blair that left 2 years ago.

"What!" I yelled in annoyance.

"My office! NOW!" He yelled and I looked at Adam and rolled my eyes. He was laughing his head off, but I still dragged him to the office with me.


I sat down in one of the seats in the office and tapped my phone against my lap out of boredom, Adam was whistling a random song that I haven't heard. We sat there impatiently waiting for Mr.Bishop so he could finish up with another student that was in trouble as well.

I looked up as the door opened revealing Mr. Bishop ushering a boy in a large grey hoodie. The boy looked up and I noticed his dark blue eyes and his almost platinum blond hair. What was most telling was his black-eye. It was the guy that came out of Carter's house when I came back.

He looked at me and Adam, hissed at us and kept on walking, I rolled my eyes but my gaze followed him out of the doors of the office. I looked back at Adam and leaned in closer to his ear,

"I really want to know what is up with that kid... want to cover for me?" I whispered into his ear and he nodded.

"You better go now then... or you'll lose him." He whispered as he kissed the top of my head. I quickly fleed the office when Mr. Bishop wasn't looking.

I walked down the hall following the white-haired boy at a safe distance. He walked down the stairs and through the front hall doors. I jogged up to the door and followed him as he walked down the stair heading away from the school.

I took my heels off before running down the street following him. He turned to the right and I waited a bit before turning right myself. He stopped and looked behind himself and I dove into a small alleyway so he wouldn't see me. His footsteps came closer to the alleyway and I pressed myself farther and farther away from the opening of the alley. I heard a crash and realized that I had walked right into a dumpster.

I swore and started looking for a way to run but I had ended up in a dead end. I looked behind me and saw that the white-haired boy came down the alley with anger, he dodged all the obstacles in the alley coming closer and closer to me. I groaned and looked up at the gate that had cut off my escape, I threw my shoes over it and they hit the ground and broke the heel off.

"HEY!" He yelled as I started climbing up the gate. I was halfway up when a hand wrapped around my ankle and tugged me off of the gate. I yelped as I fell back the way I came, I landed on the boy and he groaned when I hopped up. The broken glass cut into my feet as he got up and looked at me, he came at me was about to hit me but I dropped to the ground and his fist hit the wall. He yelled when he missed, I somersaulted out of the corner he tried to trap me in. I kicked him in the back and he fell to the ground, I grabbed him by the hoodie and pinned him up against the wall.

"WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!!!!" He yelled and started thrashing, he hit me in the stomach and I fell backwards. My head hit the ground and I groaned as I gripped my head. He jumped onto me and pinned my hands over the top of my head. I tried to kick him but he had pinned my legs down with his weight. He pushed the hair out of my face and looked me in the eyes, my breathing picked up as the adrenaline started to kick in.

"Now, look what we have here?" He taunted me

"Isn't it the new girl." He laughed, I let out a small whimper and looked around myself for anything to help me out. I started to panic more when I found nothing.

"Please! Please don't hurt me!" I started to cry and he just pushed my wrists harder into the pavement. He leaned in closer to me and I started to move my head around as I caught a whiff of his breath.

"Give me a reason to no hurt you?" He asked in a low voice. I stopped squirming and looked into his eyes.

"I'll do anything! Just please let me go!" I whimpered and he released a bit of pressure off of my wrists and I took my chance. I ripped my hands out his grip and hit him in the face, I rolled onto him and pinned his hands over his head. I pulled out a knife that I kept in my bra for protection. I pushed it up to his throat and he fully froze in fear. I gave him an evil smile.

"Now did you really think that I'd let you win so easily." I started to taunt him, he tried to move a bit but I pushed the knife harder drawing a little bit of blood. He froze again realizing how serious I was about this.

"I love it when the tables turn suddenly." I laughed as I leaned in closer to him.

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