Chapter 12

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I was sitting in the hospitals waiting room as they stitched up Cooper. I created a story that we were best friends and that he was mugged and then stabbed. They asked us a bunch of questions but then left to file the so-called report. I was surveying the burner phone that Cooper gave me... It looked genuine but something still felt very off.

I flipped it over and opened the back, I pulled the battery out looking for any bug or virus that could be tracing my calls. I found none... maybe he was genuinely trying to help us. But what was in it for him?? Freedom? Healing? Or is he just using us?

"Blair?" The nurse called out my name and I looked up from the phone. I shoved it back into my back pocket and stood up.

"Your friend is in recovery... and he has requested your presence." She said and let me through the door. I walked down the hallway looking through the windows to find Cooper. I was stopped by the nurse when I almost walked past his room. I leaned against the door frame and knocked against the door. He looked up at me and told me to come in.

"What am I now? A peasant?" I laughed and he chuckled.

"A very vicious peasant." He joked and I smacked his arm. He sat up a bit and looked at me.

"Soooo... having trouble in paradise?" He asked as he picked at a couple of scabs that he had from before our little battle. I signed and sat down in the cushioned chair.

"He... can be... Difficult. Sometimes... and this is one of those times." I said slowly trying to pick the right words. He nodded his head and continued to pick at the scabs.

"He's the leader? Isn't he?" He asked and I rubbed my face a bit.

"Yeah... he is. He isn't as bad as he is depicted... He's caring, kind, strong, protective, gentle, compassionate..."

"Sounds like something a madly in love person would say." He cut me off and I blushed and fiddled with my halter top.

"I wish I could love someone as much you love him..." he said in a sad voice.

"Sounds like something a brokenhearted person would say." I joked and my giggle subsided as I realized that he was truly heartbroken.

"Was she special to you?" I asked in a sad voice. He looked up at me and then to his hands.

"She was my everything... but I guess she never felt the same way for me." He started and I nodded my head.

"But one day I went to Carter's house to get my next mission. I came home 30 minutes later to find her making out with some other guy in my house. I knocked out the guy and she started yelling at me." He stopped for a second as a tear went down his face.

"She loved him more than me. She threw me aside as if I was nothing!" He started to raise his voice. I got up from the chair and gave him a hug and let him cry into my shoulder. When his breathing evened out I let him go and wiped his tears away.

"Hey... she's not worth it. If she left you it's her fault cause she is missing out on an amazing person. I may not have known you for that long but you already sound like an amazing person." I said with a smile and he gave me a smile back. A knock caused me to look up from Coppers depressed face.

"Dr.Brown?" I asked and she looked up. Her tattoos were still there, same as the piercings but her eyes were a bright green. She blinked at me for a minute but then it clicked in her head.

"We meet again... you seem to be a magnet in stabbings." She laughed and I gave her an uncomfortable laugh. She looked at Cooper and went to survey him.

"How long have you two known each other?" She asked and I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Ummm... 8 years?" We said in unison and I was shocked. He was also a little bit scared and confused. I winked at him and looked back at Dr. Brown. She charted a bit on her clipboard, hung it on the edge of the bed and left. I poker faced until she closed the door and let the view of the window before I burst out laughing. Cooper had tears streaming down his face from laughter.

"Your.... face!!!!!" I heaved out

"What are you talking about!!!! Your wink was great!!!" Cooper yelled pointing at me. I felt the burner phone ring in my back pocket. I pulled it out and flipped it open.

"Hello?" I laughed as I wiped tears off of my face.

"Blair! Get home this instant!! It's 10 pm and you are late!!!" Adam yelled on the other side. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm doing great. Thanks for asking, dick." I retorted and he continued to yell on the other side. I sighed and placed the phone on the chair and left him to yell at nothingness.

"Your boyfriend?" Cooper asked and I nodded my head. I sighed and sat down on the bed by his feet. When I heard Adam quiet down I picked up the phone again.

"Are you done?" I asked in a bored tone.

"AM I DONE!! NO!!! I HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED!!!!!" He screamed as I put the phone back down, but I still could hear him loud and clear.

"You ready to go? We have to go before he shows up here and causes a scene." I said but Cooper stiffened up as he looked behind me.

"Before who causes a scene?" Adam's voice rung in my ears. I jumped slightly and turned to face him, he had a smug look on his face as if he was not going to kill me.

"Finally done being a drama queen?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest. He walked up slowly towards me, as he came into arms reach of me he brought his arm out to touch my skin. Without thinking about it I slapped him across the face. He stood there for a split second and let out a soft groan.

"I'll admit. I did deserve that." He said in a low, sexy voice that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand tall. I just stood there in between the two of them as they stared each other down. Adam suddenly gripped my arm harshly and yanked me out of the room.

He slammed me against the wall outside of Cooper's room. My head hit the wall hard but I didn't care. Adam was already kissing my neck like an alcoholic who hasn't had a drop of rum in days.

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