Chapter 6

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2 years after leaving

"Blair!!! Get back here this minute!" Adam yelled from his room as I laughed like a crazy person.

"Make me Babe!" I giggled. He was currently glued to the bed because I decided to superglue him to it as a prank. Greta, my best friend, watched me as I laughed in my underwear and tank top. She soon joined in on the laughter,

"Blair! I'm warning you!" Adam continued to yell and curse.

"What you gonna do to me Doll?" I teased him as he came out of our room with feathers all over his body. My brother walked into the house and lost it as Adam suddenly slipped on the marbles I placed in front of our room. Adam groaned as we all were laughing our asses off.

"Oh my god Bear!!! That is the best thing I have ever seen in my life!!!" He laughed as he rolled around on the ground. Adam growled at all of us, I walked up to Adam and pinched his cheek.

"I still love you though Baby." I cooed into his ear.

"Even though you are going to be a walking chicken for the next few minutes." I laughed and walked down the grand staircase to the kitchen. My brother was heaving as he stumbled into the kitchen with tears streaming down his face. He came up behind me and patted me on the back, Greta came in a few minutes after with her short bright pink hair dishevelled, her eyes full of mischief.

"Blair! You have outdone yourself once again!" She praised me as she grabbed a strip of bacon and chucked it at my brother. Xavier started bitching at Greta about how she can make bacon hurt so much and I just stood there laughing as I stuffed my mouth with bacon.

"Gotcha!" Adam yelled as he wrapped his wet arms are my waist and spun me around. I giggled like a 4-year-old.

"Babe!" I laughed as he hid his face in the crook of my neck and breathed in deeply tickling my neck. He suddenly started running his fingers up and down the sides of my stomach, I shrieked trying to get out of his hold.

"Adam!!! Stop! Please! I'm going to piss myself!!!" I yelled out as I started to lose my breath.

"Tell me you won't do it again and that you love me and will do anything to make me forgive you." He whispered into my ear.

"I'm sorry! Please, I'm begging you to stop!" I screeched

"Yo, Bro! When my sister starts begging it's time to stop." My brother said in a bored tone, Adam suddenly let go of me and I almost fell because my legs felt like jelly after all the laughter. I gripped the marble countertop as I regained my breath.

"Anyway, sorry darling but we have some business to discuss." His voice was suddenly very strict and I straightened out.

"We have a mission that we must do..." Adam started and we nodded our heads

"There is a Californian gang that is threatening to take over our drug business. Also to take over our gang." We gasped at that.

"Yes, I had the same reaction when I listened to the call. They are very demanding and they are not backing down. So I have formed a group of members to come with me to California to 'Exterminate' this threat. That group is Y'all 3." He said and I swallowed loudly and raised my hand. He pointed at me in acknowledgement.

"Wh-which part of California exactly?" I stuttered in fear.

"Vista, California." He said calmly and my body went ridged.

"Excuse me for a minute," I said as I rushed out of the kitchen hyperventilating as my memories that I had tried to suppress for the past years came out. I groaned as my chest started to hurt, I leaned on the cold wall right beside my room trying to hold back my pain. I released a groan as I slid down the wall until I was crouching on the floor.

"Why? Why me?" I whispered and suddenly my body was flooded with anger, I stood up and stared down the hall.

"WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN TO ME!!!" I screamed and slammed my fists into the drywall, I pulled my hand out of the hole in the wall and started to shake.

"Blair! Oh my God! Blair!" I heard Adam's voice down the hall, I just stared at the wall.

"Blair are you okay?? Blair talk to me! Are you okay?" He sounded frantic but I couldn't snap out of it. I felt him take my hands into his to examine them but I didn't feel anything.

"I'm okay. I'm fine." I said in a monotoned voice.

"No, Blair! You're not fine!" He yelled at me but I kept on staring into nothingness. My head started spinning but then I started swaying.

"I think I'm going to be sick." My vision went black.


I heard Adam continue yelling, my brother's voice joined in and then there was a sea of voices. I groaned and brought my hands up to block out the voices.

"Stop talking," I mumbled and opened my eyes. I was still in the hall but my head was on someone's lap, I looked up and saw Adam's vibrate emerald eyes, his blonde hair was sticking out in random directions. I looked at confused,

"Why are you on the ceiling?" Everyone laughed but his face remained emotionless, he leaned over me and kissed my nose.

"You scared me, babe," he whispered as I started to play with a strand of his hair.

"I'm sorry darling. You know me with stress." I said as I pulled his face down until our lips met. He moaned and pulled back.

"You know how crazy you make me?" He asked and I raised an eyebrow

"No... But I can feel it." I burst out laughing and his cheeks turned bright pink.

"EWWWWW!!!" Everyone groaned and looked away.

"Yo, Blair! I'm your fucking brother and he is my best friend! I didn't need to know that!" My brother complained.

"Well, Xavier. I am happy to inform you that I am not longer a virgin. As of last week." I said lighting up the mood. Greta burst out laughing and my brother lost colour in his face.

"When were you planning on telling me this!?" Xavier yelled at Adam

"Ummmmmm... Never." My darling joked and I smiled.

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