Chapter Four

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I was able to get back home unscathed before the skies turn completely dark. No one even noticed my absence, well, except for Xiao Yu.

I told her about what happened at the marketplace when the lady vendor tried to trick me and she started crying. She felt sorry for me but was also happy that I was not harmed in any way.

I also told her about the mysterious guy who helped me. She asked me about his appearance, and to disappoint her, I told her I didn't know since his face was covered with a mask.

I convinced her to help me sneak out of the household once more so I could pay back my savior. At first, she was hesitant but after some poking, she agreed.

But before I could change into my disguise, a letter from my father came.

He was summoning me to the imperial capital to attend the Emperor's birthday. He also sent guards who will accompany with the journey.

In the past, I avoided going to the imperial capital to escape from possibilities of me courting death but since I know that the plot has already changed, I'll take this chance to roam around and have fun.

I guess Mr. Mysterious would have to wait. Its not that I'm running away from my debt. If I see him again, I'd pay him double.

With a clear conscience, I prepared clothes, accessories and some medicine to take with me. Xiao Yu helped me dress up and we started the journey the same day.

I was so bored inside the carriage. Xiao Yu was on another carriage along with other maids so I was all by myself. With no one to talk to, sleeping and eating became my past time.

In the middle of my nap, I felt the carriage came to a sudden jolt. I stretched for a bit and called for the guard outside.

"What happened? Why did we stop?" I asked, peeking at the small window attached to the carriage.

"Miss, there's a lady lying on the road." He answered.

I asked for the guard to call Xiao Yu and in a minute, she came and helped me down the carriage.

A young girl, probably same age as me was sprawled unconscious on the dirt. I told Xiao Yu to check if she's still alive.

"Miss, she's still breathing." Xiao Yu said, checking the unknown girl's pulse. I sighed in relief.

I ordered for the guards to take the young girl inside my carriage. They didn't want to and instead, suggested to bring her to one of the maids carriage but I feel drawn to the girl, I don't know though. There's this strange feeling that she's someone I should acquaint with.

I assured the guards that I'd be fine and also had Xiao Yu to accompany us. Though the guards were still worried, they brought the girl to my carriage.

Once inside, Xiao Yu wiped the mud off the girl's face and I was able to get a good look at the girl's features. She had a shoulder-length hair, her cheeks were fluffy pale, and her lips looked bloodless. Her bony figure and the bruises on her arm made her appear pitiful and I was sad about the girl's circumstances.

I took out an herbal pouch attached to my dress and held it to the girl's nose. Her brows furrowed and she let out a groan. After a few more seconds, her eyes fluttered open.

She looked at Xiao Yu then her eyes met mine. She stared at me with a daze but when she realized that we were strangers, she defensively put her fists up ready to fight.

I chuckled at her actions. Did she think we'd be threatened by her small fists? What a cute girl!

"Miss, don't worry. We will not harm you." I smiled at her and offered her a cup of herbal tea.

She eyed me suspiciously and just stared at the cup I was holding.

"Here, take it." I offered once again. Seeing no response, I took a sip from the cup.

"See, I did not put anything in this. Its green lotus tea, it will help you revitalize." I patiently explained.

She then took the cup and quickly drank its content.

"Do you want more?"

She nodded. Xiao Yu poured her cup and drank it once again. And another one. And another one.

I waited for her to finish everything and offered her my handkerchief to wipe her mouth.

"Are you feeling better now?" I asked after she settled down.

"This commoner is very thankful to Young Miss. This commoner offers her sincere gratitude." She lowered her head and kowtowed.

"Ahh, it's nothing. I'm glad I could help." I patted her shoulder.

Why is she so cute?

Although curious, I didn't ask her about what happened since I feel like she is still frightened and uncomfortable with us. Maybe if she'd calm down and wanted to talk, she'd tell me.

"We are on our way to the imperial capital. Tell me where you live and we will drop you off." I informed her.


"Do you not want to go home?"

"I... I am an orphan. I have nowhere to go, Young Miss." She choked, trying to contain her emotions.

"I'm sorry." I regretted asking.

Poor thing.

She quickly shook her head.

"Young Miss has no fault! Young Miss is this commoner's savior!" She exclaimed in panic seeing my change of mood.

I reached for her hand and gave it a gentle press.

"Since you told me you don't have a home, would you like to come with me?" I grinned.

I'm sure father wouldn't mind. He'd been telling me to get another personal maid and I guess this is the right time to get one.

She's a nice girl and I don't want her to end up somewhere bad. Just seeing her bruises and her old torn clothes, I can tell that she had lived a hard life. If I could help her, why not? She may become one of my trusted confidants in the future.

"Xiao Yu, didn't you want to have a sister to be with you?" I asked Xiao Yu to which she nodded enthusiastically.

"Young Miss is not only beautiful, but also gracious and kind! This commoner will forever be thankful and serve Young Miss with my life!" The girl cried. Even Xiao Yu was tearing up as she hugged the girl to comfort her.

"Stop calling yourself a commoner, will you tell me your name?" I laughed trying to ease the mood.

"This commoner, I mean, your humble servant's name is Ming Shu!"

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