Chapter Eight

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A day after the uneventful celebration of the Emperor's birthday, father stayed in the imperial capital and I went back to the Western Border.

Along with Xiao Yu, Ming Shu came with me too. I did tell her that if she wants to stay at the imperial capital, then I would let her go. I even gave her a pouch of money but she refused to take it and told me that she wants to continue serving at my side.

I honestly felt bad for her. I also felt like I was robbing her happiness and her happy ending. If it weren't for me, she would become the empire's mother, the Empress of the nation. But now, she's reduced to doing my bidding.

Dear Male Lead,

I am sorry for ruining the story plot and taking the female lead away from you. I know it is selfish of me to do so but as of now, I have no other choice. I promise to treat her very well and take care of her in your place. I would surely find ways to fix this mess.

Bai Fan

We arrived at the Bai Manor late in the evening. I was exhausted from the travel that after washing up, I immediately retired to my chambers.

When I laid on my bed, something hard was poking my back. I took it and saw a small package. I stood up, went near the lit gas lamp and opened the paper bag.

I took out its contents and was so surprised to see the same hairpins and earrings that I had wanted to buy from the marketplace.

"How did these get here?" I mumbled to myself.

Did the maids bought these for me as a present?

Is it a coincidence that they bought the exact same thing that I was hoping to buy back that day?

Confused, I put the paper bag on top of the table and went back to bed. I guess I just have to ask them tomorrow for clarification. For now, I have to sleep and regain my energy.


No one knows who put the package inside my chambers. They were all confused as well because they didn't see anyone enter my room since I left.

"Miss, you really know my taste! These hairpins are so beautiful!" Xiao Yu was delighted as she inspected the hairpins.

"Miss, are you really giving these to us?" Ming Shu was in awe as she held one of the hairpins close to her chest.

"Yes, its yours. Let me help you," I took the hairpin and stuck it in her hair, "there, it suits you!"

"Miss, did you find out who left these things in your room?" Xiao Yu asked and I shook my head in answer.

"Miss, what if its the guy who helped you back in the marketplace?" Xiao Yu suggested.

The guy wearing a mask?

"That's impossible."

That's unlikely.

"Why not?"

Or is it really him?

"I was wearing a disguise back then. I'm sure he didn't know my real identity or where I live." I explained.

"Miss, to be honest, your disguise wasn't that effective. You only wore a male's clothing and tied your hair in a man bun and that's it. Everyone who have seen you before would know its you," Xiao Yu said matter-of-factly, "he probably knew you were the daughter of the General and sent you these accessories as a sign of goodwill."

"Miss, Xiao Yu may be right. Everyone knows the General and have high respect of him, the man might have wanted to get to you and your father's good grace." Ming Shu added.

Thinking about it, beside the vendor and the gossip mongrels, he's the only one who knew of what happened to me in the marketplace. He saw the accessories I have chosen, too.

As of now, thanks to Xiao Yu's assessment, he's the primary person of question.

"Or maybe the vendor found out about your real identity and was sorry about what she did to Miss so she sent these things free of charge?" Another theory from Xiao Yu.

She almost stole my mother's jade hairpin, I don't think she'd send me her goods without any payment.

"What if you have a stalker who is madly in love with you and was following you that day, saw that you wanted to buy the accessories but wasn't able to so he bought it for you instead. Since he wants to stay on the low, he did not reveal his identity and you were drawn by his mysteriousness. He then came to visit you one night and you also fell in love with him." Xiao Yu muttered continuously without losing her breath.

I almost gave her a standing ovation for her overly creative imagination. If I was in my past life, I would have taken her as my co-writer.

"Xiao Yu, wait for me." I told her and got up.

"Miss, where are you going?"

"I'm getting a money pouch for you, you are also free to go." I said in a serious tone, stifling the laughter that was about to burst.


Seriously though, its quite alarming how someone got into my chambers without anyone knowing of his presence. There were guards patrolling around the house, the maids are everywhere and my room was even locked. How can a person get through all that without raising suspicion?

Or did that person know of martial arts just like the characters on a wuxia fiction? Or the immortals from xuanhuan novels? Maybe a ninja like the ones from the anime?

I shook my head.

When I wrote the novel, all the characters were normal human beings. No one had hidden power or the likes. No martial experts, no immortals and especially, no Narutos.

I guess I should just tell my father to heighten the security in our household. Better safe than sorry.

Ahh, how will I find that masked man though? I haven't payed him yet!

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