Chapter Eleven

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"My master said he might come visit you in the following days."

Its been three days since Yu Lang came to the Bai Household but what he told me keeps repeating inside my head causing me sleepless nights.

Even Xiao Yu and Ming Shu noticed how I was not eating well and most of the time, I was staring blankly at the empty wall.

Should I tell my father?

Father is still in the imperial capital and I haven't heard any news from him. He's probably very busy with whatever he is doing as he forgot to even send a word to his beloved daughter.

Should I tell Xiao Yu and Ming Shu?

If I tell them, will they be able to do anything about it? What if they get involved and the Dark Shadow would also come for them?

What should I do then?!

I did tell Housekeeper Zhang to heighten the security around and inside the Bai Household. Though he assured me that the guards were all highly trained and its impossible for anyone to intrude, I still have my doubts.


Then how did that person enter my chambers and left the household without knowing anyone knowing of his presence?

I haven't even solved the mystery of the package that appeared in my room and another problem is already here.

How do I deal with the Dark Shadow?

Though scared, I also felt excitement and curiosity in the possibility of meeting the infamous Dark Shadow.

Comparing the Dark Shadow who Ming Shu told me about and Yu Lang's master, they seem like two different person.

Is it possible that there are two Dark Shadows?

What if they're the same person?

Ahh, why do I keep thinking about that Dark Shadow? I should sleep. If the Dark Shadow comes, I'll just stab him like what Ming Shu did and escape!

I slipped my hand under my pillow and held the dagger which I placed there. I pulled the blanket over my head and closed my eyes.

After some time, I still wasn't able to sleep. I got out of my bed and lit the gas lamp on the table. I picked a poetry book and started reading.

Silence enveloped the entire room except for the sound of flipping pages and my slow breathing.

"Why aren't you sleeping yet?"

"I'm bothered by some-" I paused when I realized the familiar voice.

Out of instincts, I quickly jumped out of the chair and dashed towards my bed. I grabbed the dagger under my pillow and held it against him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked in a serious voice. I was honestly scared and my insides were trembling but I didn't let it show.

"I heard from Yu Lang that you were looking for me." He said nonchalantly as he stared at me, not minding the weapon pointing towards him.

I was indeed looking for you but I didn't expect you to come barging in my room in the middle of the night!

In front of me was the same man whom I met at the marketplace, Yu Lang's master, the Dark Shadow.

Just like how I last saw him, he was wearing an all black outfit with mask covering his lower face. The dim room helped in masking his presence but since my eyes had adjusted to the dark, I can see him clearly.

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