Chapter Twenty Seven

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As soon as I opened my eyes, all the memories of last night came rushing in causing me a massive headache.

I was relieved to find that the space beside me was empty. I still don't know how I'm supposed to face Chen Mu with all the crazy antics I pulled up last night.

"Xiao Yu..." I called out, my voice a little hoarse.

Xiao Yu entered with a silly grin on her face. She looked so happy in contrast to my dispirited state.

Xiao Yu held my hand as I sat up. She handed me a glass of water.

"Where's the first prince?" I asked in a hushed tone as I warily gazed my eyes outside the door.

"The first prince is in his study room." Xiao Yu gave me the information I needed as she closed in and whispered, "Miss, I didn't know you were so wild."

My eyes widened, "what do you mean?"

Xiao Yu chuckled as she covered her reddened face and looked at me with knowing eyes.

"Miss, when the first prince came out of the chambers, his clothes was totally creased. His hair was in disarray and his lips were swollen." Xiao Yu described with her hands waving in the air.

I knitted my brows, gritted my teeth and flicked Xiao Yu's forehead. If it wasn't for her bottle of aphrodisiac, I wouldn't be drowning in humiliation right now.

"I swear by my princess status, if you ever give me another one of that bottle, I will marry you off." I threatened Xiao Yu but it didn't affect her as the mirth in her face did not disappear.

"Miss, how was it?" With the expressions Xiao Yu was making, it seems like she's enjoying this so much.

"Nothing happened." I stated.

Xiao Yu's forehead creased in confusion, "Miss, the aphrodisiac was not enough?"

"Miss, don't worry. I befriended the vendor so I can get a discount for you!" Xiao Yu proudly uttered and patted my shoulders.

Before I could put my hands on Xiao Yu's neck, Chen Mu entered the room. Xiao Yu quickly dismissed herself and exited the room.

"How are you feeling?" Chen Mu asked as he sat beside me, "If you're sick, we can delay our visit to the palace."

According to customs, today would be the day we're going to visit my husband's family.

Ahh, did I just call him "my husband"?

Not daring to meet his stares, I kept my head low and answered, "I'm okay."

"I ordered the kitchen to prepare a light meal for you. They will bring it here after their preparation." He said.

When I was sure that he wasn't looking at me, I took a quick glance at Chen Mu. I almost cried after I saw his busted lower lip which I bit last night. There were also visible bruises in his neck, or should I say hickeys?

I can't believe I did those.

"Are you appreciating your masterpiece?" Chen Mu teased when he noticed me gawking at him.

I profusely shook my head in denial.

Last night, I shamelessly jumped on Chen Mu and pinned him down on the bed.

I dove in for his mouth, nibbling on his lower lip, but he won't kiss me back. It frustrated me so I ended up biting him. He eventually responded to my mouth's prying and we spent some time exploring each other.

And I wasn't contented by that.

The new tingling sensation was addicting that I wanted more. I released his lips and left light kisses from his chiselled jaw down to his sensitive neck. Without any objections, I leisurely licked and bit on the trail of his collarbone.

My hand started to untie the knots on his clothes but he stopped me. He flipped our position so he was the one on top of me. He held both of my hands in his chest and kissed my forehead, "Fan'er, this is enough for tonight. I don't want you to regret anything tomorrow."

After that, I fell asleep and have no memories of what happened in between.

I didn't even know I had a hidden skill. I was a kissing expert.

With the courage the I mustered up, I spoke, "I would like to ask for an apology for my actions last night."

I wanted to tell him that I was in heat as a result of the aphrodisiac I drank but I will surely give him the wrong idea. If I tell him that the aphrodisiac was intended for him, he might kick me out of the manor and even Xiao Yu will get reprimanded. Both choices were bad. The only thing I can do was to keep it as a secret and act like last night was just a simple mistake.

"I also want to thank you." I added.

I have to admit, I was impressed with Chen Mu's self-control and the words he said. Compared to other men who would take advantage of the situation, he stopped me from making a decision which would aggravate me. It gave me a better perception of him. He isn't that bad at all.

"Why are you thanking me?" He smirked as his fingers ran through the marks on his neck, "You did all the work."

I take back what I said.

"How's your wound?" I asked, wanting to change the topic and save myself from further embarrassment.


Thankfully, the servants came in with our meal. After setting the table, we quietly ate the food. I focused on the food and ignored the side glances Chen Mu was giving me.

"Try this." Chen Mu picked up oysters from the dish and placed it inside my bowl.

I gave a simple thank you and continued eating.

"Natural way to increase your hormones." He continued.

I choked.


[[ Hello,
     I'm sorry to disappoint everyone who was expecting a bed scene. We'd eventually get there, but unfortunately, this isn't the right time. ]]

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