Chapter Forty One

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For a whole week, I was stuck in my room and was not allowed to leave its premises.

The manor's doctors transferred to a vacant room beside my chamber and will temporarily stay there until I have fully healed, as per the First Prince's instruction.

My courtyard was surrounded by guards, add up the shadow guards hiding in every corner of my room, as per the First Prince's instruction.

Also, no one was allowed to enter my room except my husband, Xiao Yu and the doctors, as per the First Prince's instruction.

My kidnapping was not disclosed to the public, including my father. He was told that I went on a vacation to one of Chen Mu's vacation houses up in the north so he went back to the Western Border. Even the servants in the Chen Manor had no idea that their madam went missing. Only several trusted people knew of what truly happened to me.

If the news went out, it would be bad. Not only will it expose Chen Mu's other character, we will also have to explain the sudden disappearance of fifty people. I also didn't want father to worry. He already has a lot on his shoulders, I can't add more to his burdens.

"Miss, the bruise on your face is gone," Xiao Yu said as she applied ointment on my ankles, "even the marks are fading."

Chen Mu's special cream was truly effective. I thought the blisters would leave me a remembrance but now, the scars were barely noticeable.

Xiao Yu started to tear up once again, "Miss, this is my fault. If I haven't left you then this wouldn't happen."

When I first got back to the manor, Xiao Yu was a crying mess. She kept blaming herself for my kidnapping.

"Xiao Yu, I already told you, this was not your fault. I brought this upon myself." I rubbed Xiao Yu's back to comfort her.

"Miss, don't say that. It was that hateful Ming Shu!"

My suspicions of Ming Shu was confirmed when Chen Mu told me the reason to why they weren't able to find me quickly.

Guess what...

Ming Shu was indeed the fake Dark Shadow.

She led Chen Mu to a wild goose chase, pretending that I was in her hands. But the reality was that she left me to one of her minions as she steered Chen Mu further away from my real location. When Chen Mu caught up with her, she denied everything but one of her subordinates spilled my whereabouts. They were also able to rescue most of the children that went missing in the past months. All that happened in the span of two days.

And now, she is being held in Chen Mu's underground dungeon somewhere I have no idea of. I wanted to talk to Ming Shu but Chen Mu refused. He told me that he'd keep Ming Shu alive until I have wholly recovered.

"If I see Ming Shu, I will pull her hair so hard even her scalp will come off." Xiao Yu gritted her teeth and raised her clenched fists. She was unaware that Chen Mu has Ming Shu as a captive. We can't reveal the Dark Shadow to her. It's for her own good as well.

I laughed at Xiao Yu's antics and joked, "I didn't know you were this violent. You scare me."

"Miss, you're the most important person in my life. I will do everything to keep you safe," Xiao Yu smiled and continued applying the ointment, "even if it means I have to give up my life."

I stared at Xiao Yu, my eyes started to water as well.

What good did I do to deserve you?

"Xiao Yu, you are the best."

I pulled Xiao Yu in for a hug and we ended up crying in each other's shoulders.

Why weren't you a man?

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