Chapter Thirty Three

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"Be careful." Father reminded me as he walked me to the Bai Household's gate.

"I will." I nodded and gave him a hug before entering the carriage. I gave him one last wave before the door closed and started to move.

During the ride back to the imperial capital, my mind kept drifting back to what father had told me.

According to official reports that were submitted to father, there were around sixteen children who went missing in the Western Border in the span of three months. There were no clues left that may lead to the cause of their disappearance. Because most of the children were from poor families, the authorities didn't investigate further.

It stopped for a while but just this month, five children were reported to be missing in the Imperial Capital. Just like the missing cases in the Western Border, those five children were of no important background and no traces were left as well.

Since it happened in the empire's center, it is starting to gain attention. People are starting to fear for the safety of their children. Rumors are also starting to go around about a certain rebellious group abducting children to either use as workers or sell to slave trades.

It reminded me of what Ming Shu had spoken before, the 'Dark Shadow' and the tragic experiences she had suffered from their hands. If I remember it correctly, Ming Shu mentioned about them abducting children and using them as tools for their criminal activities.

I have a feeling that the abductions in the Western Border is somehow connected to the kidnappings in the Imperial Capital.

If my hunch is right, then that 'Dark Shadow' and his minions are getting braver. They even dare strike inside the Imperial Capital.

I cleared my mind and decided to take a nap for the rest of the journey. Xiao Yu woke me up when we arrived at the Chen Manor. The manor's servants greeted me and quickly fixed light meal for me to eat.

After dinner, I asked Xiao Yu to call in Ming Shu into my room because I didn't see her among the crowd who welcomed us home.

"Miss, Ming Shu was not in her room," Xiao Yu giddily informed me as she entered the room, "I asked Housekeeper Nu and he said that Ming Shu went out yesterday and has not returned yet."

She went out? Where? I don't think she has any relatives nor does she know someone from the Imperial Capital besides me and Chen Heng Li.

"Miss, that Ming Shu is truly shameless. Who does she think she is? She arrives and leaves the Chen Manor whenever she wants." Xiao Yu started to rant.

"She climbed the crown prince's bed and now that she's unwanted, she runs back to you. Miss, why don't you just kick out Ming Shu!" Xiao Yu added, her face scrunching in disgust.

"Xiao Yu, calm down. Someone might hear you." I hushed Xiao Yu.

She's got a point.

But I have already given my word to help Ming Shu.

"Miss, Ming Shu is taking advantage of your kindness," Xiao Yu pouted, "I thought she was okay but I was wrong. She's a leech. She's going to suck you dry."

I don't know whether I should cry or laugh after hearing Xiao Yu's words. I'm aware that Ming Shu is turning into a different person, far from the Ming Shu I wrote but I can't just give up on her that easily. Not yet.

"Xiao Yu, let's give her a chance," I muttered as I shifted on my seat, "if she still continues with her silly act, I will personally kick her out."

Xiao Yu sighed and seriously looked at me, "Miss, sometimes I wish you weren't so kind."

I only smiled in response and told Xiao Yu to ready my bath. She went out and instructed the other servants to prepare the wooden tub on the room beside my room.

As soon as I dipped in the tub, the warm water relaxed my tensed muscles. Xiao Yu poured water over my back and started to gently rub it with a soft cloth.

"Miss, when will the master be back?" Xiao Yu asked me.

I have no idea.

"The first prince will be back soon." I answered.

But how soon?

"Miss, don't you miss him?" Xiao Yu continued to question me.

How am I supposed to answer that?


"Miss, why do you sound so unsure?" Xiao Yu laughed.

Yes, I actually do miss him. No one's here to tease me.

"Miss, I'm excited." Xiao Yu claimed and poured additional warm water in the tub.

"About what?" My brow arched.

Xiao Yu excitedly clapped her hands, "Miss, soon we'd have little ladies and little masters running around the manor."

My blood spiked up to my head and I almost threw up blood.

"Xiao Yu..."

Before I could choke Xiao Yu, a servant knocked on the door, "Madam, I'm sorry to disturb you but the crown prince is here."

At this time? Its almost midnight.

"Serve the crown prince with tea and I'll follow." I instructed the servant.

Xiao Yu helped me dry up and wore appropriate clothes then quickly made our way towards the receiving hall. The crown prince was leisurely leaning over the cushioned chair while holding a tea cup.

"Good evening, your highness." I bowed.

"Where's my brother?" Chen Heng Li ignored my greeting and did not even throw me a glance.

Is this how you're going to treat me now?

"The first prince is at the Western Border."

I assume he's there?

"Is there something you need?" I asked when Chen Heng Li didn't respond.

The crown prince stood up and turned to his eunuch, "Let's go."

That's it?

Before Chen Heng Li could exit the room, I called his name and he stopped on his track. I approached him and gestured for his eunuch to leave for a moment. The eunuch looked at the crown prince asking whether he should go but Chen Heng Li didn't let him leave.

"If you have something to say, say it now. Right here." Chen Heng Li said in a challenging manner.

He has changed.

Let's get this done then.

I cleared my throat and went straight to the point, "What happened between you and Ming Shu?"

Chen Heng Li folded his arms over his chest, curiousity written all over his face, "Why?"

"I know I have no right to meddle between you two but Ming Shu's a nice girl and she truly likes you. Will you give her another chance and talk to her?" I pleaded.

Chen Heng Li's calm facade broke down and turned to an ugly expression after hearing what I said. He turned his back on me and took a step forward, "You trust that girl too much."

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