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Cecilia was looking for her best friend ever since she got the message. Rae had to be warned. Raelynn was just making her way back to her dorm, clueless.

"Hey Rae!" Doug said while strolling down the hallway. When she turned he gave her a thumbs up. Rae soon got to her room, quite confused and didn't even get to shut the door before Jane and Lonnie appeared.

"Rae I never knew you had such a wonderful voice!" gushed Jane as she ran into Rae's room.

"Honestly, it's amazing!" added Lonnie, following Jane in.

"What?" Rae's face dropped. "W-what do you mean...?" she asked, her breathing getting quicker.

"The recording that was sent around," Lonnie pulled out her phone. "Look!" she pointed at the audio message and played it.

"Didn't you send it?" questioned Jane. At that moment, Ceci barged in.

"Rae don't freak out but..." she saw her best friend's face and the two other girls. "Oh..."

"What?" Rae's eyes widened at the message. "I didn't do such a thing... who s-sent this?" Ceci silently handed her own phone to Rae so she could read the name of the sender.

"I'm so sorry..." she whispered. Jane and Lonnie noticed the tension and silently exited the room. Rae took one glance at the name and grabbed her frying pan, keeping Ceci's phone in her hand. She stormed out of the room and went on a hunt. For Carlos De Vil.

During that, Carlos was laughing and chatting with Mal, Evie and Ben.

"Why the fuck did you do that Carlos!?" Rae exclaimed, glaring at Carlos.

"Woah... angry princess..." Mal commented, stepping back.

"Whoa, whoa," Carlos took a step back from the pissed off girl with the pan. "What did I do?"

"Raelynn, what's going on?" asked Ben.

"Don't fucking play innocent puppy with me, Carlos!" Rae snapped, holding up her frying pan in the hand that wasn't holding Cecilia's phone.

"I'm not, I seriously have no idea what I did to you" Carlos argued.

"RAELYNN FITZHERBERT, LANGUAGE!" Fairy Godmother's voice yelled, which Rae ignored in her fit of anger.

"Yes you fucking do, Carlos! You sent this around the whole fucking school!" she held the phone out and played the audio. "I'm insecure about my singing! Yeah you're from the Isle but I thought you'd be able to accept that by now!"

"What?" Carlos asked very confused. "I didn't do anything!"

"Let's take this to my office." said Fairy Godmother, appearing out of nowhere, it seemed.

"Clearly you fucking did Carlos!" Rae yelled. "YOU SENT THE FUCKING MESSAGE!"

"Raelynn, Carlos. My office. Now." Fairy Godmother insisted, putting her hands on their backs and herding the two to the office.

"Raelynn, what happened? And please put the pan down. Violence is not ok." Fairy Godmother said once the two teens had sat down.

"I didn't fucking hit him with it though did I." Raelynn muttered, slamming the pan down onto Fairy Godmother's desk. "He," she pointed at Carlos. "Recorded me singing in the forest and sent it around the whole school all without my permission. Not to mention I'm really insecure about my singing and I didn't even let Cecilia hear me... well, not on purpose." she explained, clearly angered.

"I didn't do it!" Carlos argued. "I don't even have my phone!"

"Well then where did it go, Carlos? Did Dude eat it?" Rae said mockingly.

"I left it in my room last night, went for a walk with Dude, and when I came back, my phone wasn't on the table where I left it." Carlos explained. "You can search my room. It isn't there." he said defensively. All of a sudden, the door opened and Jay came strutting in.

"Hey Carlos, I found your phone." He said, revealing it. "It was in your bag, you idiot."

"See! And it will have been the same bag you had on the walk with Dude! You were walking the same time I was in the forest singing no doubt! You fucking dirty liar! This isn't the Isle! I thought you'd changed by now!" Rae yelled, standing up and grabbing her frying pan.

"RAELYNN FITZHERBERT PUT THAT PAN DOWN!" Fairy Godmother demanded, grabbing Rae's arm.

"W-what? H-how? I didn't do it! You have to believe me. Yes I was in the forest but I didn't have my bag, nor my phone! And I never put it in my bag! I left it on the table." Carlos tried to explain. "Fairy Godmother please" he pleaded. "I didn't do it. Raelynn, I would never..."

"I'm afraid this is out of my control" Fairy Godmother said, still with Rae in her grasp. "The message came from your phone, and I don't know whether to believe you or not. I'm afraid you will have to be suspended for violation of privacy. A week in your dorm. Jay please escort him to his room." she instructed.
"Got it." Jay nodded. "Come on Car..." he sighed, leaving with Carlos. Rae went to follow them out of the door, but Fairy Godmother stopped her.

"Raelynn, your behaviour is unacceptable. I understand what you're going through but violence is never ok. You have to learn to forgive." Fairy Godmother said.

"I didn't even hit him!" Rae protested, turning to Fairy Godmother.

"But you wanted to. And that is just as bad." Fairy Godmother pointed out. "You're a princess. You're better than this." Raelynn sighed.

"I'm sorry Fairy Godmother..." she paused, tears welling in her eyes. "I'm letting my parents down aren't I..."

"No sweetie," Fairy Godmother said, hugging her "You aren't, you were mad. but you do need to control your temper and learn to forgive."

"I understand..." Rae hugged her back. "I've already been suspended once... I just... it's hard. And I'm really insecure about my singing... I didn't even let my best friend hear me..." she blinked her tears away.

"It's ok sweetie. Let it all out." Fairy Godmother said gently.

"And now that everyone's heard... I feel like I just have no privacy anymore... I just don't know. Next thing will be my artwork being stolen..." Rae sighed, starting to cry.

"Honey, I think that you need to go home for a couple of days. You can take Monday off; today's Saturday, so your mother should be able to pick you up." Fairy Godmother said, pulling away.

"Thank you Fairy Godmother..." Rae nodded. "Can I go see Cecilia first, please?"

"Of course sweetie. Go right ahead. I'll call your mother now."

"Thank you. And I'm sorry for my behaviour." Rae said, standing by the door, holding her frying pan very loosely.

"We all have our moments." Fairy Godmother nodded. Raelynn flashed a small smile before leaving the office and starting to walk back to her room. She kept her eyes glued to the floor as she walked.

[𝟔] 𝐈 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔, 𝐈 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 ( descendants ) [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now